Flirting Scholar

Flirting Scholar

唐伯虎點秋香 (Original Title)

Tang Pak Fu is the leader of the Four Great Scholars of Jiangnan, but he has a lot of heartache. When the King of Ning wanted Tong Pak Fu's help in plotting a rebellion, Tong Pak Fu had to use his internal kung fu to change his pulse, making everyone believe that he was dying.


EN: Among the 'Four Scholars', Everyone knows you love gambling. 'Having no money, to live comfortably', it is your motto, right?
CN: 江南四大才子之中就以祝兄为人最为洒脱 众人皆知,所谓“风吹鸡蛋壳,财去人安乐”,此乃祝兄 你的座右铭哦,不是吗?

l am so miserable.
My wives are abnormal housewives.
But others envy me so much.
ln fact, l am lonely.
我是心又悲 我心又痛
八个老婆 如豺狼恶虎
人家当我 享尽齐人福
其实空虚寂寞 谁人知 谁人知

'There are many geese under the mountain.'
'They rushed down to the river.'
'Let's roast a goose.'
'After roasting, you'd better go home for a screw.'
山下 一群鹅
嘘一声 赶落河
落河捉鹅 医肚饿
吃完回家 玩老婆

EN: Who do you think l am? Make it ten.
CN: 一两银子,你当我什么?最起码十两。

EN: l've got it, the most pretty smile… is the smile with love. God, I finally found my dream lover. She is Chou-heung.
CN: 原来当今世上最美丽的笑容,就是充满了爱心的笑容,天啊,我终于找到了我的理想,她就是秋香。

EN: Siu Keung, Siu Keung, how are you, Siu Keung? Don't die, Siu Keung We have suffered for such a long time, l treated you as my relative. How can you leave me like this…
CN: 小强,小强,你怎么了小强?小强,你不能死啊,我跟你相依为命,同甘共苦这么多年,我一直把你当成亲生骨肉一样教你养你,想不到今天白发人送黑发人啊…

EN: Don't talk, but do it now. Don't feel tender because l am so pretty and civilized. Try your best!
CN: 不要再说了,快做吧,不要因为我是娇花而怜惜我,用力啊。

EN: Be frank, you can term me as a thief, but not a perverted thief. You can call me a thief for love.
CN: 严格的说我也是贼,不过不是淫贼,你可以把我当作一个偷心的贼。

EN: Don't think that… you can take advantage from innocent girls. l tell you, it doesn't matter to be poor, but a man should be cultured. lf not even you are educated, you are rubbish anyway.
CN: 你不要自恃读过两年书就到处轻薄无知女子,我告诉你,男人穷并不要紧,但要有骨气,有才学,不然就算读一辈子书,也不过是个废物。

'The temple is located inside the peach blossom garden.'
'There is a fairy of peach blossom.'
'The fairy of peach blossom planted the peach blossom trees.'
Picking peach blossom for wine money
'The people thought l was insane.'
'But they don't really understand me.'
'Can't you see the graves of the heroes?'
'No flowers, no wine, but who cares?'

EN: I have a green dragon on my left, a white tiger on my right, an old ox at my waist, a dragon's head on my chest, and I can kill anyone who stands in my way.. l will kill any one if he is blocking my way!
CN: 我左青龙,右白虎,老牛在腰间,龙头在胸口,人挡杀人,佛挡杀佛。

- A for apple B for boy,' 'C for cat and D for dog' 'E for egg and G for girl'
- Doe a deer, Ray,' 'a drop of golden sun' Me a name l call myself, Far a long long way to run.'
- 一乡二里 共三夫子 不识四书五经六义 竟敢教七八九子 十分大胆
- 十室九贫 凑得八两七钱六分 五毫四厘 尚且三心二意 一等下流

- ln the paintings,' 'the dragons and tigers won't roar.'
- ln the chess,' 'the horses and the generals can't fight.'
- 图画里 龙不吟虎不啸 小小书僮可笑可笑
- 棋盘里 车无轮马无缰 叫声将军提防提防

- 'An A, a bee, a C and a D'
- 'An E, a F, a G and a H'.
- 莺莺燕燕 翠翠红红 处处融融洽洽
- 雨雨风风 花花叶叶 年年暮暮朝朝

- 'See ajerk standing over there.'
- 'Hear a bastard sitting before me.'
- 十口心思 思君思国思社稷
- 八目共赏 赏花赏月赏秋香

- 'l am hero in the battle field.'
- 'You are chicken in bed instead.'
- 我上等威风 显现一身虎胆
- 你下流贱格 露出半个龟头

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