Fist of Fury by Jock

Fist of Fury

精武門 (Original Title)

On the seventh day of the warrior Huo Yuanjia's death, the translator of the Hongkou martial arts dojo in Japan, Hu En, was assigned by Suzuki Kuan to bring people to the Jingwu Hall to pick a fight. Chen Zhen, the fifth disciple of Huo Yuanjia, could not bear to be insulted, and went to the martial arts dojo alone to fight, and defeated dozens of people. Suzuki Kuan is furious and sends his men to vandalize the Jingwu Hall and gives Chen Zhen a deadline of three days.


EN: I remember what he used to say: He founded Ching Wu School to strengthen body and mind not to win over others.
CN: 我记得他常常说的几句话,也就是他创立精武馆的宗旨,他说人学武主要是健体强身,并不是好勇斗狠。

EN: I'm the worst of Ching Wu students. I want to try your Japanese martial arts.
CN: 我是精武门最窝囊的徒弟,我想试试日本拳头的味道。

EN: One on one? Or all together?
CN: 你们一个一个上,还是一起呢?

EN: We Chinese aren't sick men. Eat. You eat paper this time. Next, it'll be glass. Next time I want you to eat glass.
CN: 告诉你们,中国人不是病夫,吃吧,这次要你们吃纸,下次我要你们吃玻璃。

- You're Japan's best friend.
- I've always been loyal to the Empire. I'll do my best until I die.
- 你真是我们日本人的好朋友。
- 我胡一向对大日本帝国忠心耿耿,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。

EN: "Who says knight errantry is dead? Who says life is always preferred?"
CN: 大英雄报师仇救同门,生和死都在那一念间。

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