Quotes from Nathan:
One day the AIs are gonna look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons in the plains of Africa. An upright ape, living in dust, with crude language and tools. All set for extinction.
You see, my competitors, they were fixated on sucking it up and monetizing via shopping and social media. They thought that search engines were a map of what people were thinking. But actually they were a map of how people were thinking.
"On the...
The great dark sea.
In sleep, in confusion,
in the depths of shame.
The good deeds a man has done before defend him.
The good deeds a man has done before defends him.
The good deeds a man has done before
defends him."
Quotes from Caleb:
Which, if you understand code, what he did was like Mozart or something.
- Oh! Everything's spinning.
- It's because you're drunk.
- No, it's called relativity. Everything is spinning.