这句名言说 "贞洁女性的命运是多麼幸福,忘记世界,被世界遗忘,美丽心灵的永恆阳光,实现每一个祷告,拒绝每一个愿望。
The quote goes, "How happy, is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each prayer accepted and each wish resigned."
Joel Barish:
Why, do I fall in love with every woman I see...who shows me the least bit of attention?
I've never felt that before. I'm just exactly...where I wanna be.
我仍然认為你会回来拯救我的一生,即便我们都忘记了彼此, 一切都会不同的,如果我们能再有一个机会。
I still thought you were gonna save my life, even after that. It would be different... If we could just give it another go around.
Clementine Kruczynski:
你什麼都不跟我讲 约耳,我是一本打开的书,我什麼都告诉你,甚至是每一件丢人的事。
You don't tell me things, Joel. I'm an open book. I tell you everything. Every damn embarrassing thing.
我得不好意思的承认...我真的喜欢你对我好,我的意思是 我不知道下一时刻自己会喜欢什麼,但是现在,我很高兴你对我好。
My embarrassing admission is, I really like that you're nice right now. I mean, I can't tell from one moment to the next what I'm gonna like, but right now...I'm glad you are.
很多男孩认為我是一个完美的概念,我使他们感到完整或真正的活著,但我只是一个寻找内心寧静的混乱女孩, 别把你的想法强加给我。
Too many guys think I'm a concept or I complete them, or I'm gonna make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign meyours.
我刚才看见你,独自坐在这儿, 於是我想 感谢上帝,原来还有不会玩这些东西的正常人。
I saw you sitting over yourself, and I thought, "Thank God. Someone normal who doesn't know how to interact at these things either."
Remember me. Try your best.
Joel Barish & Clementine Kruczynski:
- 很快我就会彻底消失
- 我知道
- 我们该怎麼办?
- 好好享受这段时光
-It's gonna be gone soon.
-I know.
-What dowe do?
-Enjoy it.
- 我希望你留下
- 我也希望我留下 现在我希望我留下,我希望自己做过很多事,上帝 我希望...我真的希望我能留下。
- I wish you'd stayed.
- I wish I'd stayed too. Now I wish I'd stayed. I wish I'd done a lot of things...Oh, God, I wish I had--I wish I'd stayed. I do.
- 我能吃块你的鸡肉吗?
- 你就直接拿了,连我的回答都不等,如此亲密,就像我们已经是恋人。
- Can I borrow a piece ofyour chicken?
- And then you just took it...without waiting for an answer. It was so intimate, Iike we were already lovers.
And adults are like this mess of sadness...and phobias.
你可以跑 但你躲藏不了
You can run but you can't hide.
You can have him. You did.