Ekstase 1933


Ecstasy (Original Title)

When it was in the twentieth year of the Austrian actress Hedy Lamarr (then the stage name was Hedy Giesler), in the film as a young wife married to an old husband Eve, because of the lack of sexual satisfaction and stealing the strange young knight Adam, and finally lead to the husband can not stand and suicide...


Cry, when love broke your heart...
Flowers bloom and wither to then grow again, 
when the sweet song of the birds is heard in the fields and woods. 
Like a man's love comes back with wanting and regrets, 
like the blood runs back to the heart, 
that's how life circulates.
Cry, when love broke your heart. 
Cry, why shouldn't you? 
And laugh, like youth and beauty do when life still promises joy and happiness. 
Cry, when love broke your heart. 
Cry, why shouldn't you?

My marrlage was a mistake. The very first day of it, I realized that we didn't have anything in common at all.

I should have seen it in his eyes. And I could have prevented it...If I consider that hehad also loved someone. 

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