EN: Doesn't make any difference what city. All cities are alike. That's why I'm out here now. 'Cause I'm a long way from the city, and that's where I wanna be right now.
CN: 有什么区别,所有的城市都是一样的,这就是我逃出来的原因,我现在远离城市了,我就想这样。
- You ever want to be somebody else?
- I'd like to try Porky Pig.
- 你想过变成别人吗?
- 猪小弟吧。
EN: The water in that river is about 80 degrees. You put your hand in about a foot away, it's below freezing.
CN: 那条河里的水有八十度,而河面往上一尺就已经冰点以下。
EN: They got this here...scissor-happy, beautify America thing going on around here. They're trying to make everybody look like Yul Brynner.
CN: 在这里,他们喜欢用剪刀剪出美丽美国,他们想让每个人都变成尤·布里那。
EN: For once, man will have a godlike control...over his own destiny. He will have a chance to transcend and to evolve...with some equality for all.
CN: 人类终将像上帝般,控制自己的命运,人类会得到超越和进化,真正达到平等。
- You know, this used to be a hell of a good country. I can't understand what's gone wrong with it.
- Everybody got chicken, that's what happened.
- 这里以前是个好国家,我不明白哪里出了差错。
- 人人都有鸡肉吃,所以如此。
EN: It's real hard to be free...when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. 'Course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free...'cause then they gonna get real busy killing and maiming...to prove to you that they are. Oh, yeah, they gonna talk to you and talk to you and talk to you...about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare them. It makes them dangerous.
CN: 自由是很难的,特别当你是一块案板上的肉时,所以别告诉别人他们是不自由的,他们会以杀戮和作恶来证明你错了,他们会对你说个不停什么是自由,但当他们真的见到一个自由的人,他们就会害怕,他们会变得危险。
EN: You ever talk to bullfrogs in the middle of the night?
CN: 你有没有和牛蛙在深夜交谈过?