EN: We're the spirit of the trees, the life of the blossoms. If you cut down the peach trees, how can you hold a Doll Festival? Those vanished trees are weeping in their sorrow.
CN: 我们是桃树的魂魄,是桃花的生命,你们把桃树全砍光了,又怎么庆祝女童节呢?那些被砍倒的树正在哀哀哭泣。
EN: I can buy peaches at the store! But where can you buy a whole orchard in bloom?
CN: 桃子可以用钱买,但是要上哪儿去买一片开满桃花的果园呢?
EN: If you look carefully, you will find that every scene in nature has its own beauty. I often unconsciously get lost in the beauty of nature, and I write in a natural way, as if I am dreaming.
CN: 如果仔细观察,会发现自然界的一景一物都自有其美感,我常常不自觉的迷失在自然的美景中,我下笔时浑然天成,仿佛做梦一样。
EN: Death is one thing for adults who've lived their lives. But children haven't even begun to live yet. Waiting to die from radiation poisoning isn't living.
CN: 死亡是成年人的事,他们活得够久了,但是,孩子们还有大好人生,这太不公平,等死不算活着。
EN: Listen, people go on about how hard life is, but that's just a lot of talk. Honestly, it's good to be alive. It's quite exciting.
CN: 有些人说人生艰苦,但他们是有口无心,事实上,活着真好,人生真精彩。
EN: They always think they can create something better. Especially scientists. They may be smart… but so many of them are completely deaf to the beating of nature's heart. They work so hard inventing things that make people unhappy and then pat themselves on the back for it. Even worse, the vast majority of people look at those idiotic inventions as if they were miracles and bow down before them. They don't notice that nature is being lost and that they're heading for extinction.
CN: 他们总是自以为能改善这个世界,尤其是那些学者,他们也许聪明过人… 但多半不了解大自然的真谛,他们只发明了那些到头来会使人们不快乐的东西,却因此而沾沾自喜,更糟的是,多数的人也把这些发明视为神迹,将其奉为神明,他们不知道的是他们已经渐渐的失去了大自然,他们不知道自己正走向灭亡。