Devils on the Doorstep

Devils on the Doorstep

鬼子来了 (Original Title)

During the Second World War, Ma Dasan, a farmer from the village of Hangjiatai in Hebei, China, lived a quiet life under Japanese rule. One night, the guerrillas kidnapped a Japanese army soldier, Kosaburo Hanaya, and an interpreter, Dong Hanchen, tied them up and stuffed them into sacks in Ma Dasan's house, and instructed Ma to keep a good watch on them...


EN: What? Flour? Do l look like I'm made offlour?
CN: 啥?白面?你看你八婶子象白面不?

EN: You've a mistress in your bed and Japs in your cellar. 
CN: 你炕上藏着鱼儿,地印子里藏着鬼子。

EN: Happy New Year, brother and sister-in-law! You're my granddad, I'm your son! Happy New Year, brother and sister-in-law. You're my granddad, I'm your son.
CN: 大哥大嫂过年好,你是我的爷,我是你的儿!大哥大嫂过年好!你是我的爷,我是你的儿!

EN: "On the road" means "to die" in Chinese. This is our last meal. We 're goners.
CN: “上路”在中文里是“去死”的意思,这是我们的最后一餐,我们已是将死之人。

EN: Know how to get a chicken from a Chinese? Watch me. Bastard! Hand over that chicken! Bastard! Hand over that chicken! You're pathetic. You'l get thrashed. You gotta stare 'em down. Act like a devil and scare 'em.
CN: 知道如何从支那人手中拿到鸡吗?妈的!快拿鸡过来!你要俯视他们,就如魔鬼盯住他们一样。

EN: I left the village, crossed the river, climbed the mountain, entered the town, went to ask for Pockmarked Li.
CN: 我出了村,就过了河,我过了河,就上了山,上了山,就进了城,我进了城,就去了药铺,我去了药铺就找了李麻子...

EN: I'll throttle 'em both and twist their necks like fried dough.
CN: 我一手一个掐巴死俩,拧成麻花,刨坑埋了!

EN: Welcome the Japanese to the neighborhood. 800 years ago, we were all one brood. We all write with characters and our soups use pickles.
CN: 咱应该大开门户如迎亲人一般,八百年前咱是一家,使的一样方块字,咸菜酱汤一个味儿。

EN: Silly man. You've simply come to the wrong place. I make tofu. lf you throw in sorghum, would it still be tofu? The more sorghum you put in, the less it'll be like tofu.
CN: 傻小子,你这是使错了劲找错了人,你看我磨豆腐,你往里头搁高梁它出来的能是豆腐?你搁的高梁越多它出来的就越不是豆腐。

EN: “The Great Wall still stands, yet the emperor Ch'in Shih Huang is no more!"
CN: “长城万里今犹在,不见当年秦始皇!”

EN: Educated people are so evil. I hate you educated people!
CN: 受过教育的人竟如此阴险,我恨死你这种受过教育的人。

EN: Because he's helped them up to heaven. His blade is like a passing breeze. Before they know it, they're in the land of the immortals. Their last vision is of Liu with his sword. Gratitude wells up within them. You know how they show it? Their head rolls exactly nine times, looks back at him and blinks three times. The corners of their mouths turn up. You've heard of “greeting death with a smile?" That's it.
CN: 升天的道上刘爷给他们垫了一步,刀起头落,如轻风吹过,飘飘然不觉之中,已入仙境,回望麈世,但见刘爷持刀而立,感激之情油然而生,他们咋感激刘爷,你知道不?落地之头,必转九圈,面朝刘爷,眨眼三下,嘴角子上翘,啥叫含笑九泉呢?这便是含笑九泉。

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