

Detachment (Original Title)

At the end of the century in 1999, an Indian nuclear satellite is about to crash into the ground, and the planet is in a state of panic, seeing it as the end of the world. During a trip away from her boyfriend Eugene, Claire, a woman living in Paris, meets Trevor, a suspected industrial spy, and becomes obsessed with him.


EN: "And never have I felt so deeply at one, and the same time so detached from myself, and so present in the world."
CN: "我从未这般深切地感觉到,我的灵魂与我之间的距离如此遥远,而我的存在却如此依赖于这个世界。"

EN: My mom was a teacher and I knew without a shadow of a doubt from early childhood that the one job I would never do was become a teacher. Never ever I would take toll cards on a turnpike. I'd be a shepard, anything, rather than become a teacher.
CN: 我妈妈是个老师,我从很小的时候就很肯定,我做什么都愿意,就是别让我做老师,绝不,我宁愿做高速公路收费员,我宁愿去放羊,随便做什么也不愿做老师。

EN: Whatever is on my mind, I say there's a feeling. I'm truthful to myself. I am young, and I'm old. I've been bought and I've been sold, so many times. I am hard to face. I am gone. I am just like you.
CN: 无论我在想什么,都有一种感觉,我对自己很诚实,我很年轻,但已老去,我被买来又被卖掉,反反复复,我难以面对,我已不在,我就像你一样。

EN: I am a substitute teacher. There's no real responsibility to teach. The responsibility is to maintain order, make sure nobody kills anybody in your classroom, and then they get to the next period.
CN: 我只是代课老师,我并不用去刻意地教授知识,我的责任就是维持课堂秩序,保证课堂上不会发生谋杀,顺利渡过到下节课就行了。

EN: I mean, I do a tragic sort of way.
CN: 我想我的幽默一般都以悲剧结尾。

EN: There should be a prerequisite, curriculum for being an parent, before the people attempt to.
CN: 在试图成为父母之前,人们或许应该确保自己懂得怎么做父母。

EN: Meredith. Having two opposing beliefs at once. Believing that both are true. Excellent.
CN: 梅瑞狄斯,同时有两种相反的信仰,而且相信两者都对,很好。

EN: Our young men, today, are being told that women are whores; bitches, things to be screwed, beaten, shit on, ashamed. This is a marketing holocaust. 24 hours a day, for the rest of our lives, the powers that be are hard at work dumbing us to death. So, to defend ourselves and fight against assimilating this dullness into our thought processes, we must learn to read to stimulate our own imagination; to cultivate our own consciousness, our own belief system. We all need these skills to defend to preserve our own minds.
CN: 现在的年轻人被告诉说就是娼妇、婊子,生来就是给人操、给人打、给人践踏、给人羞辱的,这是一种营销大屠杀。在我们余下的生命里,一天24小时,都会驱使我们努力工作,让我们在沉默中灭亡。所以,为了保护我们自己,防止苦闷无聊渗入我们的思想,我们必须学会通过阅读,来激发自己的想象力,来培养我们自己的意识、我们自己的信仰,我们都需要这些技能来保卫,来守护我们自己的思想。

EN: Are you givin' away pop-corn with this crap that you're pushing? This faculty has spent their lives on the boards, and now you tell us that our careers are about re-sale value.
CN: 听你在这里放屁,能给我们发点爆米花吗?这儿的全体教职工为这学校终生奋斗,但你却说,我们的事业只是关乎二次销售价值。

EN: I think that helplesness, that realization, that foreboding of being a drift in the sea, with bowie, no saftey, when you thought you'd be the one throwing the bowie.
CN: 我想那种无助,那种感觉就像在大海上漂荡,没有...没有猎刀,没有保险,而你认为你就是那个扔掉猎刀的人。

EN: We're all the same. We all feel pain. We all have chaos in our lives. Life is very, very confusing, I know. I don't have the answers, but I know if you write it out It'll all be okay.
CN: 我们都一样,我们都感到很痛苦,我们的生活中都有乱七八糟的事,人生就是很令人费解,我懂,我没有答案,但我知道如果你把它都写下来,事情就会慢慢好的。

EN: "During the whole of dull, dark and soundless day. In the autumn of that year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in heavens, I had been passing alone, on the horseback, Through the singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself as the shades of evening dew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher I know not how it was. But, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit, I looked upon the simple landscape features of the domain. Upon the bleak walls, upon a few white trunks of decayed trees. With an utter depression of soul There wasn't an iciness. A sinking. Sickening of the heart. Detachment."
CN: "在那年的秋季,一个阴沉寂寥的日子,乌云密布,我一个人骑马缓缓而行,穿过这个异常沉闷的乡村,终于当夜幕降临时,阴沉的厄榭府映入眼帘,我不知道它曾经的模样,但仅仅只是一瞥,一种难以忍受的阴郁就占据了我的内心。我看着周围单调的景物,破败的围墙,白色的树干散发着死亡的讯息,我的灵魂都沉浸在绝望之中,那里没有冰,只是下沉,病入膏肓的心,超脱。”

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