The moment you said you loved me, Your love is over. The moment your love ends, My love begins.
He has seen me, he has smelled me, he has heard my story, he has seen me, he has smelled me, he has heard my story.
Isn't it sadness hits people like waves? Just like the ink spreads, there will also be people who are slowly getting stained.
Confucius said, "The wise love the water, the benevolence the mountains." I am not benevolent. I like the sea.
- 来自孔子《论语·子罕》,全句为:“知者乐水,仁者乐山;知者动,仁者静;知者乐,仁者寿。”
He is the only Korean who shed tears after hearing my story.
If you have to give me a present, bring me the heart of that kind detective. I kind of want to.
Her husband died and said she wasn't shocked. What an amazing wife.I don't think my wife will be scared. She would say, "I knew it would be like this, that's why I don't want to marry a cop".
- 被发现的时候是睁眼的,您敢看吗?头部裂伤是直接死因,就是由于脑袋裂了,导致死亡,应该流了不少血,但是下雨,都被冲掉了。
- 真是万幸呢,是按他希望的方式走了,是命运吧。
- He was found with his eyes open, do you want to see it? Head laceration is the immediate cause of death. It's a crack in the head that killed him. There should have been a lot of blood but it was raining so it was washed away.
- It's a blessing that he died the way he wanted to. Isn't it fate?