EN: I had no idea hopeless was a color.
CN: 我之前不知道,绝望是有颜色的。
EN: Give me a bow and arrow, I'm basically Hawkeye.
CN: 给我副弓箭,我就是鹰眼。
EN: Over and over, I hear people say, "I just don't have enough confidence." Listen, confidence is not something you have. It's something you create. And you can create it at any moment in time. A sense of confidence is nothing but a sense of power within yourself...a sense of certainty that you can pull something off.
CN: 我总是反反复复地听人说,"我就是没有足够的自信心",听着,自信不是与生俱来的,你要试着去创造它,你任何时候都能够创造自信心,自信心不过是一种感觉,一种潜藏在你内心的力量,一种你能够无往而不利的信念。
EN: Matthew McConaughey, your words are a treasure.
CN: 马修·麦康纳,你的话真是宝藏。
EN: Listen to the pain. It's both history teacher and fortune teller. WadePain teaches us who we are, Wade. Sometimes, it's so bad, we feel like we're dying. But we can't really live till we've died a little, can we?
CN: 聆听你的痛苦,它既是历史的反思者,也是命运的指引者,疼痛让我们认清自己,有时候实在是太痛了,我们感觉自己快要死掉,但是品尝过一点死亡的感觉才算真正活着,不是吗?
EN: There's gotta be some way to die. I just need to die harder. Trademark Fox.
CN: 一定有什么方法可以去死的,我只需要去死得再努力一点,福克斯特色。
EN: You have a good heart. It belongs here where it can grow.
CN: 你有一副好心肠,它属于这里,也可以在这里生根发芽。
EN: Believe me, son, you do not wanna go to the Ice Box. That place makes Hitler's anus look like Waikiki.
CN: 相信我,孩子,你不会想去冰盒监狱那地方的,那地方的残酷让希特勒的菊花如同怀基基度假海滩。
EN: I never stood up for myself in there. My whole life. I've been waiting for someone to come and save me. Nobody's gonna sacrifice anything for me. I gotta start taking care of myself.
CN: 我从未为自己挺身而出,一辈子都没有,我一直在等一个人来拯救我,没人会为我牺牲任何东西,我得开始自己照顾自己。
EN: This doesn't end with us riding into the sunset. It ends with me dying of cancer... and you winning the Ice Box award for softest mouth.
CN: 骑马消失在夕阳里不会是我们的结局,结局是我死于癌症,你赢得冰盒监狱最柔软小嘴大奖。
EN: You're so dark! Are you sure you're not from the DC universe?
CN: 你太黑暗了,你确定你不是从DC宇宙来的?
EN: You remind me of my wife. She always struggled. But she was funny...and filtered her pain through the prism of humor.Something I could never master.
CN: 你让我想起我妻子,她总是奋力求生,但她那么风趣,用幽默来过滤所有的痛苦,这是我永远无法做到的事。
EN: And every good family film starts with a vicious murder. Bambi, The Lion King, Saw 7.
CN: 每一部优秀的家庭电影开头都是惨绝人寰的谋杀,像《小鹿斑比》、《狮子王》、《电锯惊魂7》啥的。