Das geschriebene Gesicht

Das geschriebene Gesicht

This film is the autobiographical audio-visual work of Tamasaburo Sakado, a national treasure Kabuki master who is known as "Japan's Mei Lanfang". It combines sound, light, color, shadow, and other highly skilled artistic expressions, and reflects the complex inner feelings of the female performers through the original classical performances...


EN: There are however women whom I feel are exceptional in their fe-mininity: for example Garbo or Dietrich; Hollywood made them into a type of identifiable artistic symbol. Han Takehara and Haruko Sugimura are a similar phenomenon. The fact that they are women can be withheld at first. Then their performing material can be laid out and they can draw on what is useful and set it out in "preparation", as if in a cooking process.
CN: 有一些令我感到很特别的杰出女性,比如葛丽泰·嘉宝和玛琳·黛德丽,好莱坞使她们成为了一种典型的艺术象征,武原藩和杉村春子也都是一种相似的现象,事实上她们的“女性身份”在大众眼中不会被第一眼就意识到,然后她们可以展示自己表演所需的材料,并在准备过程中就刻画好自己想要呈现的角色,就像烹饪过程一样。

EN: The 21st century is about to begin. I do not know what the world will look like. But the essential substance of which people and their feelings are made will not change. Film is first and foremost entertainment. But it also allows us to think about life in general. That is why it will not disappear.
CN: 21世纪就要到来了,我不知道这个世界将会变成什么样子,但构成人与人类感情的基本物质不会改变,电影首先是一种娱乐方式,但它也指引着我们去总体地对生活进行思考,这就是为什么它将不会消失。

EN: We live in a time of transition. And nothing goes on forever, neither good things nor bad things.
CN: 我们生活在一个转型的时代,没有什么是永恒的,无论是好的东西,还是坏的东西。

EN: With sadness, when I am sad, thoughtfully, when I am thoughtful. Just so, I move my body and my heart.
CN: 当我感到悲伤时,我就带着悲伤舞蹈,当我正在思考时,我就带着思考舞蹈,我舞蹈着我的身体,还有我的灵魂。

EN: People who know how to play like children, adapt every space which is given to them. From an isolated space capsule, they can create a cosmos. Such, I think, are people with a theatrical soul.
CN: 那些知道如何像孩子一样玩耍的人,会利用起他们所拥有的每一块空间,即使是在一个孤立的小房间里,他们也能创造出整个宇宙,我认为这样的人就是具有戏剧灵魂的人。

EN: My twilight Geisha time will soon be over. It is moving into evening sunlight. Time passes like the critically decisive instant…
CN: 我的黄昏般的艺伎生涯就要结束了,它正在进入月光般的新时期,不过,这样说不是很悲伤吗?时光飞逝,就像那些绚丽美妙的瞬间。

EN: One cannot choose, the questions remain open, in this unique twilight zone in which the destiny of man is played out. From the beginning onwards.
CN: 一个人难以作出选择,关于未来的问题仍然是开放的,在这个独特的黄昏般的阶段,人的命运还存在着多种变局,一切还都可以重新开始。

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