Quotes from David:
EN: All of those ads makin' it seem like it's some kind of paradise or something. Lots of peeps died tryin' to turn that dumb rock into something useful. More like a prison camp than a paradise, if you ask me.
CN: 广告总宣传那里是光鲜亮丽的乐园,让我感到十分不适,我的意思是为了开发月球,有谁知道究竟牺牲了多少人,比起光鲜亮丽的乐园,更像暗无天日的地狱。
EN: Besides you, I got nothing left. But you still have a dream to stick around for. I need you to see it through. That's my dream. Honestly, nothing else ever really mattered.
CN: 我想帮你实现你的梦想,那就是我的梦想,只要能帮你达成,失去一切都无所谓。
Quotes from Lucy:
EN: You called it a prison camp. To me, this city is a whole lot worse. I wanna go away. Far as possible.
CN: 你觉得那是地狱,可对我而言,这里才是地狱,我只想要远走高飞。
EN: A gun is a talisman, the kind the old grandmother in the family carried. If you want to be a cyberpunk, a gun has to be carried like a condom at all times.
CN: 枪就是护身符,家里的老祖母身上带的那种,想当赛博朋克,枪可要像安全套一样随时携带。
Quotes from Maine:
EN: If you ain't got cash, you ain't nothing in this business. Easy and simple.
CN: 在这个世上有钱就有权势,就这么简单。
EN: Don't make a name for yourself as a cyberpunk by how you live…Make a name by how you die. It's not the life or the end you deserve.
CN: 让你闻名世界的不会是,当下风光的赛博朋克人生,而是你战死的惨烈瞬间,这样的人生,不适合你。
EN: You and Arazaka are like shit and a shithole, isn't it obvious? One is shit and the other is filled with shit.
CN: 你和荒坂就像屎和粪坑,不是很明显吗?一个是屎,另一个装满屎。
EN: This is it. It's the end of the line for me. But not for you. Fast is what you do best, ain't it? Now, run.
CN: 大卫,这就是我的终点了,但你要活下去,你不是比谁都跑得快吗?现在,跑起来吧。
EN: I've seen plenty of chromejocks go psycho over the years. Some metal's simply not meant to mix with meat. Your organic body, your soul, gets pushed to the edge. Teeters on the brink. It always comes down to one of two things. You either lose your mind…Or die… No in-between.
CN: 这几年下来,我看过太多赛博疯子,强大的义体会将灵魂从肉体中抽离,灵魂会被迫置入机械之中,落入虚空的边缘,最终只会剩下两种选择,失去理智 或者…在失去理智之前就丧生。
Quotes from Others:
EN: Think I don't know how they treat you? Think I don't get treated the same way? But that's why you gotta prove them wrong. You have to work hard and rise through the ranks. My son at Arasaka Tower top floor! I can just see it.
CN: 我知道他们是怎么对你的,因为我也经历过同样的事,所以我们才要证明给他们看,我希望你好好努力,成为精英,爬到荒坂塔的顶端。
EN: Most of the cybes in our league don't bring up the old days. Shame, greed. Some. Whatever. Either you're looking for a way out, or a way up, doesn't matter.
CN: 赛博朋克不都是在躲避某种可耻人生的逃难者,或是抱着遥远志向而迷失自我的逐梦者吗?回顾过去没有意义。
EN: There ain't no one in this world you can trust more than yourself. Don't use us as crutches, or you'll die.
CN: 这个世界上没有任何人能完全信任,除了你自己,不想死的话就快点成长起来。
EN: Just yesterday a punk kid pushing XBDs for a quick buck. Go on. Become that legend. Or whatever the fuck you merks do. Another turn for the next dreamer.
CN: 一个帮卖黑超梦的小鬼,现在竟然…去做你们赛博朋克的传奇人物还是随便什么事吧,你的传奇,我会传下去的。