

Crash (Original Title)

James, a film producer, is obsessed with sex and has a number of lovers in addition to his girlfriend Kathryn. On a drive home he collides with another car, seriously injuring James' leg and killing the husband and injuring Helen, the couple in the opposite car.


EN: Both of the front wheels of their car and the engine were driven back into the driver's section, pulling the floor. Blood still marked the hood like little streamers of black lace running towards the windshield wiper gutters.
CN: 他们车子的前轮和引擎都被撞进了驾驶室,压在车底板上,引擎盖上都是血,就像雨刷槽里流出的黑色蕾丝。

EN: I can't sit on this balcony forever. I feel like a potted plant.
CN: 我不能永远坐在这个阳台上,我觉得自己像棵盆栽。

EN: The day I left the hospital, I had the extraordinary feeling that all these cars were gathering for some special reason I didn't understand. There seemed to be ten times as much traffic. Are we imagining it?
CN: 我离开医院的那天,突然觉得所有这些车辆,都是因为一种我不了解的原因聚集在一起的,车好像有以前的十倍,这是我们的幻觉吗?

EN: "Don't worry. That guy's gotta see us." These were the confident last words of the brilliant, young Hollywood star James Dean as he piloted his Porsche 550 Spyder race car toward a date with death along a lonely stretch of California two-lane blacktop, Route 466.
CN: ”别担心,那家伙会看到我们的“,这是年少轻狂的好莱坞明星詹姆斯•迪恩最后的豪言壮语,当时他正开着他的保时捷550奔赴与死神的约会,就在加州一条孤独延伸的两车道柏油公路上,466号公路。

EN: He must have fucked a lot of women in that huge car of his. It's like a bed on wheels. It must smell of semen.
CN: 他一定在那大车里操过很多女人,就像带着轮子的床,肯定充斥着精液的味道。

EN: I'm not sure I understand why. That's the future, Ballard… and you're already a part of it. You're beginning to see that for the first time there's a benevolent psychopathology that beckons towards us. For example, the car crash is a fertilizing rather than a destructive event. A liberation of sexual energy… mediating the sexuality of those who have died with… with an intensity that's impossible in any other form.
CN: 我也说不出原因,这就是未来,巴拉德,你已经身处其中了,你会逐渐意识到一种友善的精神病理学在向我们招手。比如,撞车更像是受精活动,而不是破坏性事件,一种释放性欲望的行为,为了调解因压力过大而无法正常享受性欲的人。

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