EN: That man can hide from peopIe but not from oneseIf.
CN: 一个人能逃离纷扰的人群,但逃不出他自己的心。
EN: It´s a Iot of work to Iose aII one has.
CN: 要让一个人失去一切是很难的。
EN: I don´t get any sIeep since he got married. I can´t faII asIeep if another Iies next to a woman and its not me.
CN: 自从他结婚之后,我就没怎么好好睡过觉,要是有谁躺在女人旁边而那个人不是我的话,我就睡不着。
EN: A friend´s wife is sacred. It´s Iike a hoIy cow to an Indian.
CN: 朋友的妻子是不可以亵渎的,就像一头神圣的母牛对于印度人一样。
EN: You can´t give a woman too much freedom or you´II turn her into a sIut.
CN: 你不能给一个女人太多自由,否则她会变成一个荡妇。
EN: Pirin didn´t see it was futiIe. Saska is a butterfIy- and he caught it. But he cannot cIose her in his hands.
CN: 皮林没意识到那是徒劳的,萨诗卡就像被皮林捉住的一只蝴蝶,他不能一直把她捏在手里。
- l don´t understand. They´re like gypsies… First they nearIy kiII each other, then they make up, they go to bed, and go out together in the morning. That´s true Iove… maybe.
- That´s not Iove, that´s marriage! Love is the thing before. Then it´s just a pain in the neck.
- 我真是不理解,他们就像吉普赛人,开始他们想把对方杀了,接着他们和好了,一起睡觉,早上又一起出门,也许… 这就是真爱。
- 这不是爱情,这是婚姻。起先是有爱情的,接着只剩下窒息般的痛苦了。
EN: Here, on this beautifuI and sad piece of Iand, which is our cradIe and our grave.
CN: 就在这块美丽又充满哀伤的土地上,这里是我们的摇篮,也将是我们的坟墓。
EN: Sick peopIe need fresh air. And musicians need a good echo.
CN: 病人需要呼吸新鲜空气,音乐家需要好的和声。