

The gods did not create man, man created gods.

The wise man does not oppress others with his superiority. He doesn't humiliate them for their impotence.

We used to live in a cloud of unawareness, in delighted complicity. Things happened with sudden, wild, enchanted recklessness. I'd end up in Paul's arms, hardly aware of what had happened.

Never read the adventures of Martin's ass? One day he goes to Baghdad to buy a flying carpet. He finds this really nice one, so he sits on it, but it doesn't take off. "Hardly surprising," says the carpet seller...The carpet won't take off if you think about an ass." So Martin says: "Okay, I won't think of an ass." But automatically he thinks of one, so the carpet doesn't fly.

We all have an ideal. Mine's writing plays. l can't. Why? In today's world, we have to accept what others want. Why does money matter so muchin what we do, in what we are, in what we become? Even in our relationships with those we love.

- Only yesterday there were kings here. Princesses, lovers...All human emotions. Yesterday he sold everything. They're going to build a supermarket. It's the end of cinema.
- I don't think cinema will ever die.

I know, the one about Sri Ramakrishna and his disciple. Ramakrishna was a Hindu sage. He had this disciple who didn't believe in his master's teachings anymore. He decided to study on his own. So he went away. After 15 years, he came back and said: "I've found it!" He tells the sage: "I'll show you" and takes him to the riverbank. The disciple crosses back and forth walking on the water. And he says: "You see? I can cross without getting wet, now I know." So Ramakrishna replies: "You fool! I did that 10 years ago with a rupee and a rowboat!"

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