"To escape, you need to firmly know not where you are running, but from where."
Wow! Russia is a great country. We beat the Nazis. The Moon... We went there! You know... we... you know...What do you have in Estonia, which we don't have here?
I can count the population of Ireland. And you'll see there is more people in Ireland than in China. It's simple. If we consider only the red-headed people as human beings. I'll count only redheads as people. There are lots of redheads in Ireland, but none in China.
Women...are very clever animals, indeed! There is a small animal inside each woman. You have to learn to live with it and trust it. Do what you inner self tells you. Do not listen to your mom, dad, daughter or husband. I was lucky to learn to trust my inner self when I was 15. And I've lived with it happily for 43 years.
We drank, laughed...and talked. I thought I would miss her more but...honestly...I just miss the way she used to look at me.