Coming Home

Coming Home

归来 (Original Title)

Lu Yanshi (Chen Daoming) and Feng Wanyu (Gong Li) are a devoted couple forced to separate when Lu is arrested and sent to a labor camp as a political prisoner, just as his wife is injured in an accident. Released during the last days of the Cultural Revolution...


Lu Yanshi: 我们去了一趟戈壁,去拉沙户,碰到了龙卷风,风柱直冲云天,煞是壮观。
"We went to the Gobi Desert to gather sand. We ran into a tornado and saw it spiraling right up to the sky. It was quite spectacular."

Lu Yanshi: 冬闲就要过去了,我们的体力都恢复了许多,皮肤也不那么黑了,婉瑜,春天如期到来了,拉水的母马要生小马驹了,可是生了一半,难产生不下来了,我们借来了大绳,拴住了小马驹的后腿,把它拉了出来,当我们看到小马驹挣扎着,站在了开满黄花的草地上,我们感觉,春天真的来了。
"Winter is almost over... Our strength is restored, and our tans have faded. Yu, spring is in the air. The mare was giving birth, but having some difficulties. We got some rope, tied it around the foal's legs and pulled it out. We watched the foal struggle to stand on the grass, yellow flowers blooming. We realized spring had arrived."

- Lu Yanshi: 我给你妈念信的时候,她的眼睛死死地盯着我这张脸,如果我再这么念下去,在她的眼里,我真成了那个念信的了。 
- Dan Dan: 爸,你想那么多办法,不就是为了接近她,能照顾她吗?其他的还重要吗? 
- Do you know how your mother looked at me when I read her my letters? If this goes on any longer, to her I'll eventually become nothing more than a letter reader. 
- Father. Everything that you've done so far was to be close to her, to take care of her. Does the rest really matter?

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