Bernardo Villalobos:
你为什么从我的课堂中逃跑?害怕什么 其他同学吗?你知道鲍伊怎么评论鲍勃迪伦吗?“像沙子和胶水的声线”,很多人有美妙的声线却无话可说。
Why did you run out of my class? Of what? Other kids? Do you know what Bowie said about Bob Dylan? "A voice like sand and glue." There are plenty of pretty voices with nothing to say.
你以为世上只有你这个孩子被欺凌, 只有你的腔调很好笑吗?看着我的眼睛, 用尽全力推我双手,推…看着我,发出你最难听、最恶心的声音,来吧!
You think you were the only kid who ever got bullied, who ever had a funny accent? Look in my eyes! Push against my hands as hard as you can.Push, push! Look at me! Make the ugliest, grossest sound you can. Come on!
You have, what, 17 years on this planet? You don't know shit. You want to know why I'm a teacher? I'm good at this. But I can't do my job unless you do yours. And I certainly don't need a lesson in failure from someone who's too afraid to even try.
Gertie: 有一次,我想是三年级的时候吧,你们在海港烧烤餐厅,你替你父母点餐,你跟服务员说话,完全是成功人士的样子,然后你点了两杯啤酒,我当时觉得好酷。
There was this one time-- I think it was, like, 3rd grade--you were at the Seaport Grill, and you were ordering for your parents. And you were talking to the waiter like a total baller. And then you ordered two beers. I thought it was so cool.
When you were born, at the hospital, they gave you a hearing test. And there you were, so tiny and sweet, with these electrodes all over you.And I...prayed that you would be deaf. When they told us that you were hearing, I felt...My heart sank. I was worried that we wouldn't connect. Like me and my mom, we're not close. I thought I would fail you. That being deaf would make me a bad mom.
I just wanna tell you right now that
I believeI really do believe that
Something's got a hold on me, yeah
Oh, it must be love
Oh, something's got a hold
On me right now, child
Oh, it must be loveLet me tell you now
I got a feeling I feel so strange
Everything about me
Seems to have changed
Yeah, oh, it must be love.