Civil War

Civil War

Civil War (Original Title)

The movie follows the United States in the near future as a civil war breaks out that affects the entire country. Led by veteran war photographer Lee Smith, the journalists form a powerful team of professionals who cross the battle lines and manage to survive. They drive to Washington, D.C., hoping to interview the President before he surrenders to the military force known as the WF.


EN: The optics are irresistible.
CN: 照片是不可辩驳的。

EN: Three hundred buys you a sandwich. We got ham or cheese.
CN: 三百块你只能买到一个三明治,我们有火腿或者奶酪。

EN: Once you start asking yourself those questions, you can't stop. So we don't ask.
CN: 一旦你开始自我质疑就会陷入无休止的思索,因此我们选择沉默。

EN: The back seat is both kindergarten and an old people's home.
CN: 后排一边是幼儿园,另一边是养老院。

EN: Every time I survived a war zone, and got the photo, I thought I was sending a warning home. "Don't do this." But here we are. So it's existential.
CN: 每次我在战区侥幸生还并且拍到了照片,我都认为我是在向家中传递警示‘不要走同样的老路 ’,但我们依旧置身事内,所以这是关乎存在的困惑。

EN: Look at that shit light up the sky.
CN: 看那糟糕的光芒如何映照苍穹。

EN: My advice, don't expect to sleep. That way if you do, it's a… It's a nice surprise.
CN: 我建议你别奢望今夜能安眠,这么一来如果你真能入睡,那就是个美妙的意外。

EN: Did we just drive through a time portal? It's a twilight zone.
CN: 我们是不是刚穿越了时空,这里宛如黄昏边缘。

EN: I've never been scared like that before. And I've never felt more alive.
CN: 这些日子里我体会到了前所未有的恐惧,我也从未感觉过如此生机勃勃。

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