EN: The vagina is a shell with the sound of the sea. You all recall the song of the siren, but the male offends her with humiliating names: Snatch, box, bunny, Beaver! Patootie!
CN: 阴道就像蚌,它是来自海洋的声音...唱出美人鱼最美的歌谣,可使男人把阴道戏称为:圆筒、洞穴、女阴,男人的是打孔器!
EN: Let us explore this vagina of ours with her lips, eternally kissing. Let's find new names. Tongue of light! Smile of life!
CN: 看看我们的阴道吧,有大小阴唇,它们互相亲吻,生命的微笑!
EN: And so, phallic power keeps oppressing half of humanity. That is, we women! Even the missionary position is socially obsolete. What does he do? The man, arrogant, with member erect on top of the woman with her passive vagina. A sociocultural oppression, from patriarchal times to the present day. We're against penetration. It's invasion without defense! We want Ideal Coitus with parity between Male and Female.
CN: 阴茎的权利压制着人类的一半,就是我们,妇女,在社会地位上传教士姿势也过时了,男人高高在上,发号施令,女人卑微低下,服从听命,源于家长制的社会文化压制到今天为止了!我们要反思想渗透!我们要进攻,不要防守,我们要求心目中理想的性交,还有男女的平等。
EN: Marriage-Miscarriage!
CN: 婚姻就是疯人院。
EN: I'm proud of my wrinkles! Here they are, one by one. I've no fear of aging nor of dying. I adore life. Making love is marvelous. All women are young! All women are beautiful! They're all only twenty years old!
CN: 我为我的皱纹而自豪!瞧瞧,一道接一道!我不怕变老,也不怕死,我热爱生活和爱情,所有的女人都是年轻的!所有的女人都美丽!所有的女人都是20岁!
EN: Those eyes are the eyes of the male we've always known. They reflect his inner derision, his mockery. He has the same rotten core. We are only a pretext for another of his crude, animalistic fables. Another neurotic song-and-dance act. We're his chorus, his hula girls, his fiends. We enhance his show with our passion with our suffering. I warn this dismal, hollow, worn-out Sultan that we're neither marionettes nor fiends. We're of this earth but not as mere compost, as he would have us.
CN: 这个男人的眼睛,要我说和别的男人没啥区别,他的眼睛反射出他的嘲笑和讥讽,狗改不了吃屎,我们女人就是粗野,神经病,吵闹的代名词,在他眼里我们就是小丑,舞女,火星人!我们有的只是自己的热情和痛苦,这个悲伤的,板着脸的疲惫不堪的巴夏!我们不是火星人!我们要居住在地球上,不能像4000年的大便一样!
EN: They're my passion. Guns, women, horses. Women first! And women last too...
CN: 我很对武器很痴迷:武器,马,女人,或者,女人,马,武器,首先是女人!
EN: D'Annunzio writes: "Oh, sinuous female forms. coiled like the spirals of a white serpent. Oh, maiden, how imperceptibly, you turn the by-play of love into a surging fire. Drink of me... I am the wine that inebriates"
CN: 喝!诗人说:哦,女人美丽的身体!就像白蛇一样妖媚,玩耍中我燃起了欲望之火。女人啊,我的火越来越旺,扑灭我的火吧!我的女人就是这红酒,让你们沉醉!
EN: Adieu woman! Oh, what war, what peace, what land, what sea, you were for me. Water and fire, all is desire. And when I pray 'tis you I implore. Adieu... Eyes so imperious. Knees so mysterious. To you, I say adieu! Adieu... Oh navel so compelling. You were the dwelling of my dying lips.
CN: 再见,女士,你对我来说就是和平与战争,你是我的海洋与陆地,你就是我的水与火,我只有一个请求,就是我祈祷的时候,你就来到我身边。再见,深邃的眼睛,无暇的膝盖,我向你们告别。再见,性感的肚皮,我嘴唇的...美丽居所。
EN: One needs a woman, my boy, a house should always have a woman. "A house without a woman", they say in my parts, "is like the sea without a Siren".
CN: 男人需要女人,房子里应该有女人!别人对我说,房子里没女人,就像是大海里没有美人鱼。
EN: She's always just beyond, always out of reach. She's ominous. A precision instrument for pecker weights.
CN: 她就像一个陌生人,总是那么遥不可及,就像是一个幻影,永远触摸不到。