Differences between capitalism and communism is so strong that only concrete and barbed wire could hold them…
In the 18th century, life for the poor is grim. If you're lucky, you might be a servant. Everyone else is a hand-to-mouth laborer, moving from place to place, following the work, being treated by the landowners exactly as they please. And of course there were no benefits, there's no health service, there's no free schooling, there's absolutely nothing. So poverty is a death sentence. And what's very striking is the average life expectancy in the 18th century is 17.
For the rich, inheritance is the obsession. It's a very strict code. The eldest son gets the capital. He gets everything… He gets the money, he gets the house, he gets the land… And that makes him incredibly powerful, just through an accident of birth. These land-owning men, these first sons, they also have a huge amount of political power, because a lot of them are the MPs, they're elites.
Money marries money. There's nothing to do with love.
I've been broke all my life
Now wonder
How does it feel to be rich?
How does it feel to be rich?
Oh, I done worked all my life
Now wonder
How does it feel to just live?
How does it feel to just live?
In the French Revolution, the banner is "Liberté, égalité, fraternité.” It's going to be brotherhood, everyone's going to be free. But yet within a tiny amount of time, you have this government of bankers, and what they do is start to create the elites once more. This is the land that fought for liberty. Now when we fight, we fight for bread.
Everyone's equal when they're dead.
And competition between countries, nationalism, is often used by elites to make people forget class conflict and instead focus on national identity. And all this contributes to the arrival of the First World War in the summer of 1914.
The wars themselves are used to destroy capital.
I wish I had a castle in the sky. A way up high where bluebirds like to fly.
Once you get people whose entire life is lived on a kind of plane, you know, in First Class, in the bubble of the security system, and your villa in three or four different countries you can move to if things get a bit unpleasant, what happens to taxation? What happens is large amounts of wealth are moved offshore.
Chinese people, they believe that if they work hard, their kids are gonna have better lives, and that's probably true. But in the United States, that's just not true anymore.
The average income in China since the late 1970s has increased by 800%. 800% is huge. But the income of the richest 1% increased by 2000%. So it is a country that is growing, but this growth is highly unequal.
Which is ironic, because societies that are more unequal have less social mobility. The rungs of the ladder grow apart, people have the money to make sure they stay at the top, and it means it's harder for people to climb.