Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Original Title)

In the late 19th century, Butch and his partner, the Sun Dance Kid, were robbing banks in a small town in the American West, fighting their rivals with ferocity and the police with resourcefulness. At one point, the two rob a mail truck from the Flying Dutchman Company, attracting a chase from the sheriff and local residents. But the two of them go about their business and have a good time with their schoolteacher, Etta.


EN: Boy, every time I see Hole in the Wall again, it's like seein' it fresh for the first time. And every time that happens I keep askin' myself the same question. How can I be so damn stupid as to keep comin' back here?
CN: 我每次看到这个旧山洞,就好像第一次看到它一样,我每次都问自己一个问题:“我怎会这么笨,一直回来”。

EN: So when I say Bolivia, you just think California. You wouldn't believe what they're findin' in the ground down there. Silver mines, gold mines, tin mines. Payrolls so heavy we'd strain ourselves stealin' 'em.
CN: 我说波利维亚时,你就想着加州吧,你绝不敢相信,他们在那里挖到什么,银矿,金矿,锡矿,工人薪水之多,我们抬走时说不定会压伤背脊呢。

EN: We are involved, Etta. Don't you know that? You're riding on my bicycle. In some Arabian countries that's the same as being married.
CN: 我们的感情已经很深厚了,你不知道吗?你坐在我的车上,这在阿拉伯就等如嫁给我了。

EN: I've fought whisky and gamblin'! I can certainly fight you!
CN: 我这一生和烈酒、赌博作战,我也能收拾你们。

EN: You're the only real man I ever met. You know that, Butch? It's not just cos of all that money you got to spend on people. It's you. The way you're always lookin' to see am I happy or not. A lot of the other girls, they might want you just for when you got lots of money to spend on people. Me, I...I don't care about clothes and money and jewels and furs. Things like that. Lots of the other girls do, but I never did.
CN: 布奇,你知道吗?你是我唯一认识的男子汉,不是因为你出手大方,而是你的本性,你总是关心我高不高兴,很多女人喜欢你,是因为你有钱又大方,但我不在乎华服、金钱、珠宝和皮草…其他的女人都喜欢,但是…我不喜欢。

EN: I'm 26 and I'm single and a schoolteacher, and that's the bottom of the pit. And the only excitement I've known is here with me now. So I'll go with you and I won't whine, and I'll sew your socks and stitch your wounds, and I'll do anything you ask of me, except one thing. I won't watch you die.
CN: 我是个26岁的单身老师,最惨不过如此,唯一带给我刺激的就是你们,我跟你们去,我帮你们补袜子、缝伤口,对你们言听计从,我只有一个要求,那就是别让我眼睁睁看着你们死。

EN: So you want jobs? You're from the US of A and you are seeking after employment. Well, you couldn't have picked a more out of the way place in all Bolivia, I'll tell you that.
CN: 你们想找工作?你们是美国人,想找工作?你们真是挑选了全波利维亚最偏僻的地方。

EN: Course, you probably think I'm crazy, but I'm not. Bingo. I'm colourful. That's what happens when you live ten years alone in Bolivia.
CN: 你们可能以为我疯了,我没疯,我这个人多彩多姿,在波利维亚独居十年就会变成像我这样。

EN: Don't you get sick of being right all the time?
CN: 你一天到晚猜对,不腻吗?

- 抢了银行就有女人。
- The banks or the women?
- Well, once you got one, you got the other!
- 你说的是银行还是女人?
- 抢了银行就有女人。

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