EN: Don't think there is a tangerine here. Just forget that there isn't one. That's the key. The important thing is to think you really want one. Then your mouth will water, and it'll really taste good.
CN: 你不能以为这里有橘子,而是要忘掉这里没有橘子,更重要的是你真的想要吃到,这样口腔就会开始分泌唾液,就会真的觉得好吃。
EN: Do you know the Bushmen who live in the Kalahari Desert? They have two types of "starving people." Starving people. "Hunger" in English. "Little Hunger" and "Great Hunger." Little Hunger is a person who is literally hungry. Great Hunger is a person who is hungry for the meaning of life. Someone wishing to know why we live, what meaning there is in life, that sort of thing. They are the truly hungry people. So they are called "Great Hunger."
CN: 你知道喀拉哈里沙漠的布希曼人吗?他们把饿定义成两种类型,英文叫做“Hunger”,饥饿者和饥渴者,饥饿者是单纯生理感到饿,饥渴者则是对生命意义感到饥渴,我们为何而活?人生有什么意义,对于这种问题常存怀疑,他们是对生命真正感到饥渴的人,饥渴者。
EN: The toilet was next to the kitchen sink in my old room. This room faces North, so it's always chilly and dark. It gets sunlight only once a day. From over there. The sunlight hits the Seoul Tower window and bounces into my room. It's only for a brief moment. You have to be lucky to see it.
CN: 房间算很不错了,我之前住的地方,厨房旁边就是厕所,朝北的房子,所以又冷又暗。一天只有一次看到阳光的机会,那边,南山塔展望台的玻璃窗,反射后照射过来,但真的只有一瞬间,运气好才看得到。
EN: You think I asked you to come here to feed an imaginary cat? That's funny. Should I forget that there isn't a cat?
CN: 你觉得我叫你过来,是为了要你喂养我想像中的猫,这个想法真有趣。只要我忘记这里没有猫就行了吗?
EN: I joined the Sunset Tour on my way to the Kalahari Desert. It's a program that shows you the sunset of the desert. But it turned out to be a parking lot. There was nothing but trash tourists left behind. Everybody came with someone, but I was the only one by myself. I really felt all alone there. I wondered why I was even there, all alone. Then the sun started to set. The sun was setting beyond the endless sand-covered horizon. At first it was orange. Then it turned blood red. Then purple, then navy. It got darker and darker as the sunset disappeared, and my eyes suddenly welled up with tears. "I must be at the end of the world." That's what I thought. "I want to vanish just like that sunset." Dying is too scary, but...I wished I could disappear as if I had never existed.
CN: 在去喀拉哈里沙漠的路上,有一个参观日落的行程,说是要让我们看看在沙漠里的夕阳,我就去了,结果只是在像,停车场一样的地方,什么都没有,只有观光客留下的垃圾,每个人都成双成对,只有我是一个人,真的在那里才突然发现我是孤独一人,我到底是为了什么跑到这种地方,但就在这个时候,夕阳开始变化,朝着看不见边际的地平线,黄澄澄的太阳在下沉,一开始是橘色,慢慢变成像血一样的红色,然后又变成紫色…最后是靛色,就这样天色慢慢变暗,橙黄色消失在彼端,突然间我开始掉眼泪,像是一个人走到了世界的尽头,突然有了这样的想法,想和那澄黄的光晕一起消失,但却害怕死亡,如果能像未曾存在过,能那样消失就好了。
EN: Without tears as evidence, it may not be possible to confirm what is sad.
CN: 没有眼泪当证据,也许也就无法确认什么是悲伤。
EN: There's something in your heart. A stone. The stone is making you suffer. That's why you can't fully enjoy things. That's why you can't appreciate tasty food, or tell a guy you like that you like him.
CN: 在你心里有着一些什么,有块石头,这块石头压着你很难过,因为这个原因,无论你做什么都不是真的快乐,因为这个原因,就算是美食你也食之无味,就算遇到喜欢的人也无法说喜欢。
EN: I like to cook because I can make what I want, any way I want. What's better is that I get to eat it. Just as humans make offerings to the gods, I make my own offering and consume it.
CN: 我会喜欢做菜是因为可以照着我自己的方式进行,更棒的是我可以自己吃掉这些料理,像是人献给神的供品一样,我为了自己制作了供品,然后把这个供品吃掉。
EN: I guess he's young and rich. He's the Great Gatsby. Mysterious people who are young and rich but you don't know what they really do. There are so many Gatsbys in Korea.
CN: 不知道在做什么,但很有钱,谜一般的年轻人,韩国有太多的盖茨比。
EN: I have a hobby of burning greenhouses. I choose an abandoned greenhouse and set it on fire. Once every two months? I think that's the best pace for me.
CN: 我有烧温室的兴趣,我会选一间废弃在田野间的温室焚烧,两个月一次吧,对我而言,这个节奏最好。
EN: It's a clear crime. It's very simple though. You spray kerosene then throw a lit match. That's it. It takes less than ten minutes for it to burn down. You can make it disappear as if it never existed.
CN: 明确的犯罪事实,但这却十分容易,撒上汽油,投下点燃的火柴,结束,整个烧完不用十分钟,就像一开始就未曾存在一样,完全的消失。
EN: In Korea, there are tons of greenhouses. Useless, filthy, unpleasant-looking greenhouses. It's like they're all waiting for me to burn them down. And as I watch them burn to the ground, I feel great joy. Then I feel...I feel a bass sound right here. A bass that rings to my very bone.
CN: 在韩国,有太多的温室,毫无用处又碍眼的温室,就像是在等着被我烧毁,然后,我看着这些被燃烧的温室,感受到喜悦,然后从这里感受到低鸣,撼动你灵魂深处的低鸣。
EN: I don't judge anything. I just accept it. I accept that they're waiting to be burnt down. It's like rain. Rain falls. The river overflows, causing a flood that sweeps people away.
CN: 我不做任何判断,我只是接受,这些温室等待着被焚烧,就像下雨,雨降下来,河水被灌满,变成洪水,人们就会逃离。
EN: There is no right or wrong there, just the morals of nature. The morals of nature are like simultaneous existence. "Simultaneous existence"? I'm here, and I'm there. I'm in Paju, and I'm in Banpo. I'm in Seoul, and I'm in Africa. Something like that. That kind of balance.
CN: 自然何来道德,如果真要谈自然的道德,不过就只是并存,同时存在,我在这里,也存在于那里,我在坡州,也在方背洞,也在首尔,也存在于非洲,大概像是这样,这种平衡。
EN: It's difficult for women. They complain if you wear makeup, and complain if you don't. They complain if you wear revealing clothes, and complain if you dress casually. Have you heard of the saying, "There's no country for women"?
CN: 做女人是很辛苦的,化妆也有问题,不化妆也是问题,衣服穿得少一点就是露,穿的朴实又要被说不会打扮,你听过一句话叫,没有一个国家是能为女人着想的。
EN: How strange. Sometimes you can't see things that are too close to you.
CN: 真是太奇怪了,有时靠得太近反而看不见。