Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain (Original Title)

In the western part of Wyoming, Ennis, a quiet farmer, and Jack, a cheerful cowboy, are sent to the mountains to shepherd sheep, where they are off the beaten track and have only sheep for company. One freezing night, under the effect of alcohol and hormones, they did "what they shouldn't do", and they had the best time of their lives on Brokeback Mountain.


EN: l don't know, l don't know what the Pentecost is. Mom never explained it to me. l guess it's when the world ends...and fellas like you and me, we march off to hell.
CN: 我不知道圣灵降临是什么意思,妈妈从来没对我解释过,我猜大概是世界末日的时候,像你和我这样的家伙,出发去地狱吧。

EN: My old lady's trying to get me to quit this job. She says l'm getting too old to be breaking my back shoveling asphalt. l told her strong backs and weak minds runs in the family.
CN: 我老婆劝我别干这份工,她说我太老了,再刷沥青要把腰闪了,我告诉她我们家族的腰都很好,就是胆太小。

EN: The bottom line is...we're around each other...and this thing grabs hold of us the wrong the wrong time...and we're dead. l tell you...there were these two old guys ranched up together down home. EarI and Rich. And they was a joke in town...even though they were pretty tough oId birds. Anyway, they found EarI an irrigation ditch. They took a tire iron to him, spurred him up...and drug him around by his dick tiII it puIIed off.
CN: 最起码…我们还能见见面…万一我们的事在错误的时间,错误的地点让别人知道,我们就死定了。告诉你…在我家乡曾有两个家伙一起经营农场,叫厄尔和里奇,他们是镇上的笑料,即便他俩都是挺狠的角色,总之后来他们在一处灌渠里发现厄尔的尸体,身上挂着轮胎圈被插上马刺,有人拽着他的老二,直到硬生生扯下来。

EN: Well, if you cangt fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it.
CN: 既然无力去改变杰克,那么只能去忍受。

EN: Tell you what. The truth is...sometimes l miss you so much, l can hardly stand it.
CN: 告诉你,其实真话是…有时我真的很想你,想到我心痛。

EN: Hell, Jack, you know me. About all the traveling l ever around a coffee pot, looking for the handle.
CN: 该死杰克你知道我的,我所有的旅行…就像在咖啡壶旁边找把手。

EN: We could have had a good life together. Fucking real good life. Had us a place of our own! But you didngt want it, Ennis. So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy. Fucking all.
CN: 我们本可以过上好日子,真正的好日子,有我们自己的世界,可你不想这样埃尼斯,所以我们只有这断背山,就这断背山,这就是我们的一切他妈的一切。

EN: He use to say he wanted his ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain...but I wasngt sure where that was. I thought Brokeback Mountain might be around where he grew up. Knowing might be some pretend place...where bluebirds sing and there's a whiskey spring.
CN: 他曾说过希望把骨灰撒在断背山,可我不知道在哪,我以为断背山就是他长大的地方,以为那是杰克…假想的地方,鸟儿歌唱美酒流淌。

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