Breakfast at Tiffany's


Breakfast at Tiffany's (Original Title)

The way I Iook at it, I don't have the right to give him one. We don't beIong to each other. We just took up by the river one day. I don't even want to own anything untiI I find a pIace where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is, but I know what it's Iike. It's Iike Tiffany's.

I'm not gonna Iet anyone put me in a cage.

This town's finished for me. At Ieast for a whiIe. There are certain shades of IimeIight that can wreck a girI's compIexion .

You mustn't give your heart to a wiId thing . The more you do, the stronger they get. U ntiI they're strong enough to run into the woods or fIy into a tree. And then to a higher tree and then to the sky.

You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, Iife's a fact." PeopIe do faII in Iove. PeopIe do beIong to each other because that's the onIy chance anybody's got for reaI happiness. You caII yourseIf a free spirit, a wiId thing. And you're terrified somebody's going to stick you in a cage. WeII , baby, you're aIready in that cage. You buiIt it yourseIf. And it's not bounded in the west by TuIip, Texas or in the east by SomaIiIand . 

I'm supposed to not fritter my taIent away on IittIe things. I'm supposed to be saving it for the big one.

I am stiII LuIa Mae. Fourteen years oId , steaIing turkey eggs and running through a briar patch . But now I caII it having the mean reds.

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