Breakfast at Tiffany's

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Breakfast at Tiffany's (Original Title)

After one of her frequent visits to Tiffany's--New York City's dazzling jewellery store--and the maximum security Sing-Sing prison for mobster Sally Tomato's weekly "weather report", Holly Golightly, Manhattan's elegant socialite, finds herself infatuated with her charming new neighbour, Paul Varjak. Stuck in a persistent creative rut, Paul, too, lets himself drawn into Holly's superficial world, of course, not because he likes the idea that he reminds her of her brother, but because, little by little, he succumbs to Holly's beguiling allure...


1、The way I Iook at it, I don't have the right to give him one. We don't beIong to each other. We just took up by the river one day. I don't even want to own anything untiI I find a pIace where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is, but I know what it's Iike. It's Iike Tiffany's.

2、I'm not gonna Iet anyone put me in a cage.

3、This town's finished for me. At Ieast for a whiIe. There are certain shades of IimeIight that can wreck a girI's compIexion .

4、You mustn't give your heart to a wiId thing . The more you do, the stronger they get. U ntiI they're strong enough to run into the woods or fIy into a tree. And then to a higher tree and then to the sky.

5、You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, Iife's a fact." PeopIe do faII in Iove. PeopIe do beIong to each other because that's the onIy chance anybody's got for reaI happiness. You caII yourseIf a free spirit, a wiId thing. And you're terrified somebody's going to stick you in a cage. WeII , baby, you're aIready in that cage. You buiIt it yourseIf. And it's not bounded in the west by TuIip, Texas or in the east by SomaIiIand . 

6、I'm supposed to not fritter my taIent away on IittIe things. I'm supposed to be saving it for the big one.

7、I am stiII LuIa Mae. Fourteen years oId , steaIing turkey eggs and running through a briar patch . But now I caII it having the mean reds.

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