Blind Massage

Blind Massage

推拿 (Original Title)

After an accident in his teenage years, Xiao Ma lost his eyesight. After a failed suicide attempt, the gloomy boy moved to a blind massage center run by Sha Fu Ming. Here, there are many blind people like Xiao Ma, whether congenital or acquired, living in the common darkness has created a deep and solid friendship among these blind people.


EN: It's a relatively new language. It was created by a man named Huang. Huang Nai. Having a language like Braille is like giving sight to the blind.
CN: 这是一种年轻的文字,它的创造者姓黄,叫黄乃,有了这种文字啊,所有的盲人一下子有了眼睛。

EN: Sha Fuming's attempts to find a partner failed again. But he didn't give up. In that moment he found something more important than a wife. The 'mainstream society'. The blind have a strong belief that the world of the sighted is mainstream society.
CN: 沙复明的相亲又一次地失败了,但他没有放弃,在那一刻,他突然意识到一种比相亲更动人的东西,那东西就叫做主流社会。盲人们一直拥有一个顽固的认识,他们把有眼睛地方叫做“主流社会”。

EN: After the harvest on the deserted land, the people had taken a year's worth of crops. They took the grain. They took the horses.
CN: 丰收之后,荒凉的大地,人们取走了一年的收成,取走了粮食,取走了马。

Together they'd share a simple life in the dark.
Folks from all over gathered here.
Six men, four women is what we got.
All very chatty and talk a lot.
Everyone has their own way.
From A to Z and night to day.
Study ten years and you still can't win.

EN: Sha Fuming had felt the essence of Du Hong's and though he still didn't fully understand the importance of a woman's appearance, he knew one thing for certain. Love and beauty could be the same thing.
CN: 沙复明摸到了都红长相的气息,他还不能正确地了解一个女子的长相具有怎样的重要性,但他已经知道了一件事:长相也是爱情。

EN: This is why the blind and the sighted keep to themselves. In the minds of the blind, the sighted are an entirely different species. A dominant animal… An animal with eyes… An all-seeing creature, possessed of an almost spiritual significance. Their attitude to the sighted is like that of the sighted to the gods: Respective, but kept at a distance.
CN: 盲人一般不和健全人打交道的根本缘由,在盲人的心目中,健全人是另外的一种动物,是更高一级的动物…是有眼睛的动物…是无所不知的动物,具有神灵的意味,他们对待健全人的态度,完全等同于健全人对待鬼神的态度,敬鬼神而远之。

EN: One's a person, the other's a car. If it's a person, and you bump into him, that's love. If it's a car and you bump into it, that's a crash. But cars are always bumping into each other. People tend to move aside.
CN: 对面走过来一个人,你撞上去了,那就是爱情。对面开过来一辆车你撞上去,那是车祸,但是呢车和车总是撞,人和人却总是让。

EN: Eyes have different functions. Some eyes can see the light… The others can see the dark.
CN: 眼睛是有分工的,一部分眼睛看得见光,一部分眼睛看得见黑。

EN: Fate is truly unpredictable. In the face of fate, both the blind and the sighted are equally superstitious. More or less superstitious. Both believe in fate. Because fate cannot be seen, and the blind cannot see, the blind understand fate better than the sighted.
CN: 命运实在是一件不可捉摸的事情,在命运面前其实盲人和健全人一样,都是迷信的,多多少少有一点迷信。他们相信命,因为命是看不见的,盲人也看不见,所以盲人比健全人更了解什么是命。

EN: To the blind the things you see aren't necessarily real… It's what you can't see that exists.
CN: 对于盲人来讲看得见的东西不一定是真的…看不见的东西才是存在。

EN: I had a dream, I dreamed of a rainbow. At last it appeared in my sky. But I… I had forgotten the colors. What does the end of the rainbow look like?
CN: 我做了一个梦,看见彩虹终于出现在我的天空,可是我…已经忘记了彩虹的颜色,彩虹的尽头是什么样子。

EN: My beloved girl, she consumed my eyes, little by little. In my world, there is only red. If time could run backwards, I'd close my eyes on the first day, so I would see nothing at all…
CN: 我深爱的那个姑娘,她一点一点吃掉我的眼睛,我的世界,只剩下红色,如果时间可以倒流,我会在第一天就闭上眼,然后什么都看不见…

Neither sad nor happy.
One half planted in the earth, the other flying in the wind.
One half giving cool shade, the other bathed in the sun.
Deep in silence.
Deep with dignity.
Never in need.
Never seeking.
If there is a next life,
I'd like to be a tree.
Forever standing neither sad nor happy.
One half planted in the earth, the other flying in the wind.
Deep in silence.
Deep with dignity.

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