Beyond Rangoon

Beyond Rangoon

Beyond Rangoon (Original Title)

Laura is trying to pick up the pieces of her life after the murder of her husband and son, and goes on vacation with her sister to Burma. After losing her passport at a political rally, she is left on her own for a few days, during which time she falls in with students fighting for democracy.


EN: A touch of the exotic east would get me away from all the things that reminded me of what had happened. But it didn't. Wherever I looked, I saw only the moment when my life ended.
CN: 她以为充满异域风情的东方之旅,会令我忘掉所有能勾起我回忆的事情,但事实并非如此,无论我望向哪里,只会看到我活不下去的瞬间。

EN: Uh, please, i-in the Buddhist world where suffering is the accepted condition of man the attainment of perfect detachment is the, is the ultimate achievement.
CN: 在佛教里 ,受苦受难是为人所接受的,能完全放下,超脱凡尘是人的终极成就。

EN: I suppose I thought I might find something in the east some kind of answer. I stared at those stone faces… but nothing stirred in me. I was stone myself.
CN: 我想我在东方可以找到某些东西,某种答案,我看着那些石像,但没什么能启发我,我整个人就像顽石。

EN: The colonel says you Americans think other nations' laws don't apply to you. Well, here they do.
CN: 长官说,你们美国人以为其他国家的法律对你们不管用,但,在这管用。

EN: Burma is a land of monks, and soldiers as you may have noticed. We all spend a little time as a monk. But once a soldier, always a soldier.
CN: 可能你看到,缅甸是一个由僧侣和士兵构成的国度,我们都会出家一小段时间,但一旦成为士兵则终身为兵。

- Well, if there's no god in buddhismthen who are they praying to?
- They were not praying. They were meditating. They meditate to settle the mind. And when the mind is calm only then can it receive wisdom.
- 如果佛教里没有神,那么他们应该向谁祈祷呢?
- 他们不是在祈祷,他们是在冥想,他们冥想以求静心,只有心绪沉静了才能领悟智慧。

EN: Buddha said spiritual life is noble friendship and never let a meal go by without sharing it.
CN: 佛语有云,精神生活是高贵的友谊,谨记不要独食。

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