Being John Malkovich

Being John Malkovich

Being John Malkovich (Original Title)

Puppeteer Craig Schwartz and animal lover and pet store clerk Lotte Schwartz are just going through the motions of their marriage. Despite not being able to earn a living solely through puppeteering, Craig loves his profession as it allows him to inhabit the skin of others. He begins to take the ability to inhabit the skin of others to the next level when he is forced to take a job as a file clerk for the off-kilter LesterCorp, located on the five-foot tall 7½ floor of a Manhattan office building. Behind one of the filing cabinets in his work area...


You don't know how lucky you are, being a monkey. Because a terrible curse. I think, I feel... I suffer.

Do you have any idea what it's like to have two people look at you with total lust and devotion through the same pair of eyes? It's quite a thrill, Craigy.

It's just a phase. It's the thrill of seeing through somebody else's eyes.

Did you know that Eskimos have not one but...49 words for snow? Mm. It's because they have so much of it.So much snow.

The thing is, the way that I see it, you know, is, I think the world is divided into those who go after what they want and then those who don't, right? The passionate ones, the ones who go after what they want, well, they may not get what they want. But... least they remain vital, you know? So when they lie on their death beds, they have, um... few regrets. Right? And the ones who don't go after what they want, well, who gives a shit about them anyway?

As the poet said, "The puppeteer's voice need not merely be the record of man. It can be one of the pillars, the props to help him endure and prevail."

- Tell me, Craig, why do you love puppeteering? 
- Well, Maxine, I'm not sure exactly. Perhaps it's the idea of becoming someone else for a little while. Being inside another skin,thinking differently, moving differently, feeling differently. Interesting, Craig.

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