

Babylon (Original Title)

The film focuses on early Hollywood in the 1920s, a transitional period in the development of the film industry from the silent film to the talkies era. It focuses on the careers and emotions of a leading man and woman, and follows the rise and fall of three other fictional characters from the period, all of whom have their own historical archetypes.


EN: It was the most magical place in the world, wasn't it? Another set, another review. Another romance, another breakup.
CN: 好莱坞曾经是世界上最神奇的地方,不是吗?片场一个接着一个,影评一条接着一条,感情一段接着一段,分手一次接着一次。

EN: I talk to you like this because every time we play in these, you playing fucking flat. If that elephant drop its elephant ass on your face, maybe you'd be home long enough to fucking practice.
CN: 我这么跟你说话是因为我们一起表演的时候你吹得太他妈差了,如果那头大象一屁股坐在你脸上,或许你还能待在家里好好练练。

EN: I've been saying it since Wally Reid. Who needs royalty anymore? 
CN: 华莱士·里德去世后我一直这么说,现在谁还需要好莱坞贵族啊。

EN: Why? I just want to be part of something bigger, I guess. Bigger than this. Bigger than my life. Bigger than scooping elephant shit. Bigger. Better. Important. Something important. To be part of something important. Something that lasts, that means something.
CN: 能有什么原因?我就想亲身参与更有意义的事情,比现在这样更有意义,比我的生命都更有意义,比铲大象粪便更有意义,更大 更好 更重要的事,更重要的事,我想参与更重要的事,我想参与那些有意义,能够在世上流传下去的事情。

EN: You can be in their life. Or wherever! Or wherever! You can be in the fucking Wild West! You can be in fucking space! You can be like a gangster. And people dance in movies and people die in movies.
CN: 你可以体验电影角色的生活,也可以想去哪就去哪,你可以在他妈的西大荒,也他妈可以在太空中,你可以是混黑道的,人们在电影中起舞,也在电影中死亡。

EN: You got the guys in Europe with the twelve-tone. You got Bauhaus architecture. Fucking Bauhaus, you know? And we're still doing costume pictures?
CN: 欧洲人创造了十二音技法,包豪斯建筑风格又那么流行,他妈的包豪斯,你明白吗?但是我们还在拍古装电影。

EN: "Marbled meadows metamorphose into the medieval plains of Iberia. Soldiers swarm the fields like flecks of paint from a madman's brush as your humble servant bears witness to the latest of the moving picture's magic tricks."
CN: “纹理分明的草地变成了中世纪的伊比利亚平原,士兵们就像疯子挥舞画笔甩出的颜料一样涌向田野,而你卑微的仆人正见证着电影的最新魔力”

EN: I hate when people put fucking toppings on ice cream. Doesn't need it. It messes up a good thing. You know what I mean?
CN: 我讨厌人们会在冰淇凌上加乱七八糟的小料,根本不需要,糟践好东西,你懂我意思吧。

EN: Let 'em know that I got here on my terms, not theirs. And when I'm done, I'm gonna dance my ass off into the night. And they'll know-- everyone will fucking know that they could never control one goddamn fucking thing.
CN: 让他们瞧瞧我从不会任人摆布,我的一切都是自己挣来的,我成功之后会一直跳舞跳到深夜,他们就会知道,所有人他妈的都会知道,他们他妈的掌控不了任何事。

EN: Have you ever heard of Alexander Scriabin? Alexander Scriabin was a Russian pianist. Broke his hands just so his fingers could stretch across the keys better.
CN: 你听说过亚历山大·斯克里亚宾吗?他是个俄罗斯钢琴家,他打断了自己的手,好让手指头能更灵活地横跨琴键。

EN: You know, when I first moved to LA, you know what the signs on all the doors read? "No actors or dogs allowed."
CN: 在我第一次搬到洛杉矶时,你知道所有门上都写的什么吗?“演员与狗不得入内”。

EN: Have you ever stopped to think why, when there's a house fire, the people die and the cockroaches all survive? What happened was you thought the house needed you. It doesn't. Doesn't need you any more than it needs the roaches. And the roaches, knowing this, crawl back into the dark, lay low, and make it through. See, but you, you held the spotlight. It's those of us in the dark, the ones who just watch, who survive. A house fire.
CN: 你有没有停下脚步思考过当房子着火时,为什么人死了而蟑螂却都能活下来?你以为那栋房子没你不行,其实不然,它不需要你,就像不需要蟑螂一样。不过蟑螂是知道这一点的,它们爬回暗处,隐藏自己,得过且过,但是你呢,你暴露在聚光灯下。只有我们这些在暗处观察的人才能在一场火灾存里活下来。

EN: An earthquake could wipe this town off the map and wouldn't make a difference. It's the idea that sticks. There'll be a hundred more Jack Conrads. Hundred more me's. Hundred more conversations just like this one, over and over again, until God knows when. Because it's bigger than you. I know it hurts. No one asks to be left behind. But in a hundred years, when you and I are both long gone, any time someone threads a frame of yours through a sprocket, you will be alive again.
CN: 一场地震可以让这座城镇从地图上消失那,也改变不了什么,只有想法才能一直流传下去,还会有一百个杰克·康拉德,一百个像我这样的人,上百个像这样的对话,周而复始,永不结束,因为你再渺小不过。我知道这话伤人,没有人想掉队,但是一百年后,当你我都不在人世,当有人在影片中放映你的镜头时,你又会活过来。

EN: One day, every person on every film shot this year will be dead. And one day, all those films will be pulled from the vaults, and all their ghosts will dine together, and adventure together, go to the jungle, to war together. A child born in 50 years will stumble across your image flickering on a screen and feel he knows you, like-- like a friend, though you breathed your last before he breathed his first.
CN: 有一天,今年拍的所有电影中的人都会死去,有一天这些电影都将会重见天日,他们的灵魂将再次重聚,共同聚餐、冒险、去丛林、赴战场,在未来50年出生的孩子会偶然发现你在屏幕上闪烁,然后感觉自己与你如朋友般似曾相识,尽管在他出生之前,你就已经过世。

EN: This town has gotten so repressed. This is the only place left where you can have any fun these days. Welcome to the asshole of Los Angeles.
CN: 这城市变得太压抑了,如今只有在这才能找得到乐子,欢迎来到洛杉矶的屁眼。

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