

オーディション (Original Title)

In Tokyo, Shigeharu Aoyama is a widower that grieves the loss of his wife and raises his son Shigehiko Aoyama alone. Seven years later, the teenage Shigehiko asks why his middle-aged father does not remarry and Shigeharu meets his friend Yasuhisa Yoshikawa, who is a film producer, and tells his intention. However, Shigeharu has difficulties to approach to available women to date and Yasuhisa decide to organize a sham audition for casting the lead actress for the fake movie...


1、Well... It's like a ceremony for worshippers. They're pretty much the same... Ionely people. Happy people wouldn’t go to that kind of concert. All Japanese are Ionely.

2、- The movie industry is recession-proof.
- Really?
- I'm lying. It's a survival game, or a test of endurance.
- What's your outlook?
- Seems like there is a bright future ahead. But I don't know how long we should wait.

3、Sometimes unbelievable things do happen. All you need to do is gather your courage.

4、Living is another way of reaching death.

5、Living alone was a hassle. I have nobody to talk to. You are the first one...who is really warmhearted...and tries to accept me and tries to understand who I really am.It's hard to overcome that experience, but someday you'll feel that life is wonderful. That's life, isn't it?

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