Army of Thieves


Army of Thieves (Original Title)



One thought that I've not been able to cast out of my mind is…how sad it is that this great man, he devoted his life to this work. Nobody ever really appreciated it, or even understood his genius. Because in order to understand a work, you must engage with it. And until now with Wagner's Ring cycle, nobody could. I finally understand.

It's a doorway to another realm, my friends. And providence has brought you to me. We go through it together.

Can it be opened, and by me? I don't know. I honestly don't. But of the world's living locksmiths, do I represent your greatest chance of opening it? I can, with humility, say yes.

看到她不仅给我弄了份护照,还买了一张跟她同一目的地的机票,我的心都碎了,“路德维希迪特”,想到我们本可以拥有的所有冒险 本可以分享的东西,令我非常心碎,因为在那一刻 我意识到 全世界的人当中,我只想跟一个人在一起,那个人就是她。不过这没关系,我会等着她,‎有一天,我们将会在 ‎放置“诸神的黄昏”的金库里重聚。
Seeing that she had not just gotten me a passport, but a plane ticket to the same place she was going, it broke my heart. "Ludwig Dieter." It broke my heart thinking of all the adventures we could have had, the things we could have shared, because in that moment, I knew that of all the people in the world, there was only one I wanted to be with. And it was her. But that was okay. I would wait for her. And we would one day be reunited in the vault of the Götterdämmerung.

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