EN: What is youth? A dream. What is love? The content of the dream.
CN: 何谓青春?青春是一场梦。何谓爱情?爱是梦中所见。
EN: Prohibiting alcohol is harder than suppressing riots.
CN: 禁酒比压制暴动还难。
EN: He claims humans are born with a blood alcohol content that's 0.05% too low. 1-2 glasses of wine, and you should maintain it at that level. You're more relaxed and poised and musical and open. More courageous in general.
CN: 根据他的说法,人类血液中,酒精浓度生来少了0.05%,差不多一两杯红酒,就能达到这个水平...你的精神状态会比较放松,心神平静,更加富有创造力,而且会变得勇敢无惧。
EN: Hemingway, for instance, he drank every day until 8 p.m., and then stopped so that he was fit to write the next day. And his work was masterful. So if we're doing this, I guess that'll be our approach.
CN: 海明威每天都喝,一路喝到晚上八点,以这样的状态,维持他的写作动能,因此创造出大师级的伟大作品,如果我们照办应该也会很有收获。
EN: Oh boy! You just discarded...Franklin D. Roosevelt. Winston L. Churchill. And thankfully you elected this guy. Hitler?! Focus! It's funny, but there's a point to this, which is important and which I hope you'll understand some day. The world is never as you expect.
CN: 各位,被你们抛弃的候选人是...富兰克林·罗斯福、温斯顿·丘吉尔,然后你们选择的是...希特勒?听好,这虽然好笑,但说明了一件重要的事,相信你们总有一天也会明白,这个世界并不如你所期待的那样。
EN: I love this variegated world despite its need and strife to me the Earth is beautiful as back in the patriarchs' time. I have cried like others from pain because my bubble burst...But the bubble isn't the world it's not the world that's curst.
CN: 我深爱着这个紊乱的世界,即使各方索求及纷争不断,在我眼中的地球无比美丽,远古时代至今都如此美丽,我们都一样因伤痛而哭泣,因想像中的完美泡泡破灭。
A lovely land is ours
with beeches green about her
encircled by the sea,
encircled by the sea.
Her hills and vales are manifold.
Her name, of old, is Denmark
and she is Freya's home
and she is Freya's home.