Andor Season 1

Andor Season 1

Andor Season 1 (Original Title)

Prequel series to Star Wars' 'Rogue One'. In an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue, Cassian will embark on the path that is destined to turn him into a Rebel hero.


Quotes from Nemik:

EN: There's a growing list of things we've known and forgotten, things they've pushed us to forget. Things like freedom.
CN: 正如他们所愿,很多东西已经被我们遗忘了,比如自由。

EN: Apparently, the only thing keepin' us from liberty is a few more ideas. It's so confusing, isn't it? So much going wrong, so much to say, and all of it happening so quickly. The pace of repression outstrips our ability to understand it. And that is the real trick of the Imperial thought machine. It's easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than a single incident. But they have a fight on their hands, don't they? Our elemental rights are such a simple thing to hold, they will have to shake the galaxy hard to loosen our grip.
CN: 我们还没赢得自由是因为缺少思想指导,这一切难以理解是不是,乱象频发,还来不及抗议,一切就已经发生了,高压政策连续出台,让我们来不及理解,这就是帝国思想控制的诡计。它隐藏在无数暴行背后,比孤立事件更难察觉,但这场战斗是他们自找的,不是吗?我们想要的只是最基本的权利,他们哪怕掀翻整个银河系也休想让我们放弃。

EN: Surprise from above is never as shocking as one from below.
CN: 自下而上的突袭才是最出其不意的。

Quotes from Luthen Rael:

EN: I imagine your hate. I imagine that no matter what you tell me or tell yourself, you'll ultimately die fighting these bastards.
CN: 我能想象出你的仇恨,我能想象出无论你怎么欺骗我或是欺骗你自己,你都愿意拼上性命,去干掉这帮混蛋。

EN: We need the Empire to help. We need them angry. We need them coming down hard. Oppression breeds rebellion.
CN: 我们需要帝国帮助,我们需要他们愤怒,我们需要他们残酷镇压,压迫会滋生叛乱。

EN: Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. I've given up all chance at inner peace. I've made my mind a sunless space. I share my dreams with ghosts. I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what I do. My anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight, they've set me on a path from which there is no escape. I yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. What is my sacrifice? I'm condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else's future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude. So what do I sacrifice? Everything!
CN: 平静,善良,亲情,爱情。我彻底抛弃了内心的平静,我的内心暗无天日,只有鬼魂知道我的内心,我每天醒来都会面对15年前所做的选择,而结论只有一个,我为此背负着诅咒。我愤怒,孤傲,不愿屈服,我渴望战斗,这一切让我走上一条不归路,我渴望成为救世主,不计代价地反抗不公,当我低头看时,脚下已不再有容身之地。我牺牲了什么?我不得不使用敌人的手段,只为打败他们,我为了别人的未来,撕碎自己的礼义廉耻,我毁掉自己的一生,只为一个自己永远看不到的日出,开始这场斗争的那个我,永远找不到一面镜子,一份理解,一丝感恩,我牺牲了什么?我的一切。

Quotes from Maarva:

EN: I heard that, I put on my best coat, and I walked across the square with a smile on my face. If there are heroes brave enough to take on a whole Imperial garrison, I'm brave enough to stick it out here. I... I don't expect you to understand. Aldhani was just a robbery. People are standing up.
CN: 我听了新闻,穿上我最好的外套,我面带微笑地走过了广场,如果有英雄敢对抗整个帝国驻防基地,我也有足够的勇气在这里坚持到底,我不指望你能理解,阿尔达尼只是场抢劫,人们站起来了。

I was six, I think, first time I touched a funerary stone. Heard our music, felt our history. Holding my sister's hand as we walked all the way from Fountain Square. Where you stand now, I've been more times than I can remember. I always wanted to be lifted. I was always eager, always waiting to be inspired. I remember every time it happened, every time the dead lifted me...With their truth. And now I'm dead. And I yearn to lift you. Not because I want to shine or even be remembered. It's because I want you to go on. I want Ferrix to continue. In my waning hours, that's what comforts me most. But I fear for you. We've been sleeping. We've had each other, and Ferrix, our work, our days. We had each other, and they left us alone. We kept the trade lanes open, and they left us alone. We took their money and ignored them, we kept their engines churning, and the moment they pulled away, we forgot them. Because we had each other. We had Ferrix. But we were sleeping. I've been sleeping. And I've been turning away from the truth I wanted not to face.
There is a wound that won't heal at the center of the galaxy. There is a darkness reaching like rust into everything around us. We let it grow, and now it's here. It's here, and it's not visiting anymore. It wants to stay. The Empire is a disease that thrives in darkness, it is never more alive than when we sleep. It's easy for the dead to tell you to fight, and maybe it's true, maybe fighting is useless. Perhaps it's too late. But I'll tell you this...If I could do it again, I'd wake up early and be fighting these bastards...from the start. Fight the Empire!

Quotes from Multiple Roles:

EN: One way out!
CN: 只有一条路。

EN: What is the return on my investment? The shadow of a son, a tenant, a stranger.
CN: 我勤勤恳恳回报是什么?儿子不像儿子,像个房客,像陌生人。

EN: Boundaries can be liberating. The old ways have value.
CN: 边界可以给彼此自由,传统自有它的价值。

EN: It's too random to be random.
CN: 太随机了反而很刻意。

EN: The best way to keep the blade sharp is to use it.
CN: 想让刀刃保持锋利,就得让它见血。

EN: "The axe forgets, but the tree remembers." Now it's our turn to do the chopping.
CN: “斧子不记得,但树记得”,现在轮到我们拿起斧子了。

EN: I have a constant blur of plates spinning and knives on the floor, and needy, panicked faces at the window, of which you are but one of many.
CN: 我脚踩在刀尖上,手上的盘子还要转个不停,应对每一位惊慌失措的客人,而你只是其中之一。

EN: We've found the best way to steer them as we'd like is to offer alternatives. You put a number of options on the table, and they're so wrapped up in choosing, they fail to notice you've given them nothing they thought they wanted at the start.
CN: 诱导他们遵循我们的意愿,最好的方法就是提供选项,你把很多选项摆在桌面上,他们就会专注于选择,而不会注意到你并没有给他们任何他们一开始想要的东西。

EN: You're like me, we were born in the hole, all we know is climbing over somebody else to get out.
CN: 我们是一类人,我们出身低微,只能踩着别人往上爬。

EN: You pull in the net and the easy thing, the quick thing, is to assume that everything you've dragged to shore is a fish. I have colleagues who believe that's the prudent mindset in defense of the Empire. But I take a more nuanced view. I try.
CN: 收网的时候,最简单的做法,最快的做法就是假设拖到岸上的都是鱼,我有些同事认为这是谨慎,是为了保卫帝国,但我的手段更细致,我会尝试。

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