EN: Sleep is more exhausting than being awake. The laudanum will sharpen your dreams. It replays my life to mock me and shows me things. I should have done but didn't.
CN: 睡着比醒来还累,鸦片让人神智不清,梦中的过去好像在笑我,我很愧疚许多事该做却没做。
EN: I'm very happy for you. It is almost a scientific fact. Marriage and health are twins. Inseparable. Single men wither away and die in rooms that smell of feet and armpits.
CN: 我为你高兴,科学几乎证实婚姻和健康不可分,单身者只会孤独老死在臭房里。
EN: The water has been here a million years. How can we be late?
CN: 自古就有爱情,不用赶。
EN: Do you have any idea how inconvenient that is, how idiotic it will sound? I've a political career glittering ahead of me and in my heart I want spiders' webs. "It is a sad fate for a man to die too well-known to everybody else and still unknown to himself." Francis Bacon.
CN: 你知道多么矛盾吗?听起来多蠢吗?我的政途一片光明,内心却只想接近大自然,“名人的悲哀命运,就是过世时仍不了解自己”,培根说过。
EN: If you make the world better in one way, it becomes better in every way. Don't you think?
CN: 只要世界有一面变好,所有方面都会变好不是吗?
EN: When the slaves leave port in Africa, they're locked into a space four foot by 18 inches. They have no sanitation, very little food, stagnant water. Their waste and blood fills the holes within three days and is never emptied. These irons and chains are to keep them from throwing themselves overboard. The chains are not unlocked until you reach the plantation in Jamaica. Around half of the slaves are dead already. In the markets, they stuff knotted rope into the anuses of those who are sick to disguise the dysentery. When you reach the plantation, they put irons to the fire...and do this. To let you know that you no longer belong to God, but to a man.
CN: 黑奴从非洲上船被关在一个不到半坪的地方,卫生差且食物少,水都发臭,三天不到血和粪就塞满排水孔而且从未通过,铁链则是用来防止他们落水,到牙买加之前铁链未曾松绑,半数黑奴在途中死了,市场上的黑奴肛门都塞着粗绳,只因为他们下痢太严重,他们一到殖民地就被烙上印记,就像这样...他们用烙印告诉你,你不再属于上帝,只是奴隶。
EN: It seemed that every spring the daffodils came out, every summer the cherries ripened and every autumn William Wilberforce would present his bill to the House. And still...And still, after all the badges, the petitions, all the speeches and the bills, ships full of human souls in chains sail around the world as cargo!
CN: 就像春天黄水仙开始绽放,夏天樱桃树成熟,秋天威伯福斯会在议院提出法案,然而...徽章,请愿,演讲和法案都没用,载满可怜黑奴的船还是照常出航。
EN: God has set before me two great objects: The suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of society.
CN: 上帝给我两项任务:废除奴隶和改造社会。
EN: I wish I could remember all their names. My 20, 000 ghosts, they all had names. Beautiful African names. We called them with just grunts. Noises. We were apes. They were human.
CN: 我真希望记得全部的人名,缠着我的两万个黑奴鬼魂,他们都有名字,美丽的非洲名字,我们粗暴地叫唤他们,我们是禽兽,他们才配当人类。
EN: When people speak of great men, they think of men like Napoleon. Men of violence. Rarely do they think of peaceful men. But contrast the reception they'll receive when they return home from their battles. Napoleon will arrive in pomp and in power. A man who's achieved the very summit of earthly ambition. Yet his dreams will be haunted by the oppressions of war. William Wilberforce, however, will return to his family, lay his head on his pillow and remember the slave trade is no more.
CN: 大家谈到伟人可能想到拿破仑,那些呼风唤雨的人,很少人想到默默付出的人,但这些人反而会获得尊敬,特别是历经奋战归来的拿破仑的凯归盛况,或许集尊荣于一身,但他的梦想因战争变成梦魇。然而,威廉威伯福斯,他会平静地返家,躺在自己的枕头上,回想着...奴隶制度终于结束了。