I think Miller's really great. "This is not a book. This is a prolonged insult. A gob of spit in the face of art. A kick in the pants to truth, beauty, God… " Something like that.
A stereo's a stereo. Art is forever.
你为什么这么做? 和我调情,同抽一支烟,和我跳舞,对我很好。
Why are you doing this? You flirt with me…you share your cigarette with me… you dance with me. You're nice to me.
You know, he used to kiss himself after he ate a good meal.
And tonight I feel like… I feel like I'm gonna let loose or something. I feel like…I feel like something incredible is really gonna happen here.
I'm not gonna rip you off. I'm not. With what I've been through tonight… the last thing I wanna do is steal from somebody.
当我们做爱时,当他…当他高潮时,他叫着:"投降吧 桃乐丝!"
Well, when we made love… whenever he… you know, when he came…he would just…scream out "Surrender Dorothy!"