EN: Every night I'd climb up to the roof of the orphanage, and I'd make a wish on every star I could see. That's a lot of wishing. It usually boiled down to one wish, really. What you have in there.
CN: 我常常爬到孤儿院的楼顶上,对漫天的繁星许下心愿,很多很多的心愿,最后其实只有一个:像你一样有个热闹的家。
EN: You know, everybody gives you advice how to grow old. And the doctors, they say, Don Pedro, no chocolates. Don Pedro, no salt and no cigars and little brandy as possible. What the hell do the doctors know about the needs... of a man's soul?
CN: 你知道总有人告诫我,该这样做不该那样做,该如何养生,比方说医生们他们常说,佩德鲁先生 别抽香烟,佩德鲁先生,少吃盐,更不要抽雪茄,尽量少喝白兰地酒,医生们其实根本不知道,人的灵魂到底真的需要什么。
EN: My wife's family, the Aztecs, have a belief that you have to have the permission of the four winds to harvest what the earth gives.
CN: 我妻子的家族是阿兹泰克人,他们相信只有得到四季的风,大地才有丰收。
EN: For shutting your daughter out of your heart. Can't you see how amazing she is? How alive? My whole life, I've dreamed of getting the kind of love, your daughter tries to give you. I would die for what you have.
CN: 你冷落你的女儿,你难道没发现她是个很好的姑娘吗?生气勃勃。我一生都想得到...你女儿给你的那种爱,如果我能得到这种爱,要我死也心甘。
EN: Talking between men and women never solves anything. Where we think...they feel. They are creatures...of the heart.
CN: 男人和女人之间的谈话是不能解决问题的,因为我们用头脑思考,她们却依赖感觉,她们是...受感情左右的生灵。
- What you doing around these parts?
- Walking. In the clouds.
- Well, welcome back to Earth.
- 你在这附近干嘛?
- 漫步,漫步云端。
- 很好,欢迎回到地球。