EN: How did the nobles become noble in the first place? They took it at the tip of a sword. I'll do it with a lance.
CN: 贵族一开始是怎么成为贵族的?他们在剑尖下受勋,我就用长枪来受勋,命运可以改变,我才不要一辈子默默无闻。
EN: You know, trudging? To trudge? To trudge the slow, weary… depressing, yet determined walk of a man who had nothing left except the impulse to simply soldier on.
CN: 你知道跋涉吧?跋涉啊,缓慢、疲惫、沮丧… 却意志坚定地走着,我什么都不剩… 只剩下继续向前迈进的冲动。
EN: Beauty is such a curse.
CN: 美貌真是诅咒啊。
EN: Love has given me wings, so I must fly.
CN: 爱情给了我翅膀,我必须飞翔。
EN: Then he shows his weakness. That's all mercy is.
CN: 那么他就展露了弱点,慈悲只会使人脆弱。
EN: Women weaken the heart. Without your heart, you cannot win.
CN: 女人让人意志软弱,没有了意志,你就无法获胜。
EN: If I could ask God one thing… it would be to stop the moon. Stop the moon and make this night …and your beauty… last forever.
CN: 若我能求上帝一件事… 那就是让月亮静止,让月亮静止,让这个夜晚,和你的美丽持续到永远。
- You can't eat a flower. lt doesn't keep you warm.
- And a rose never knocked a man off a horse either, did it?
- 花儿不能吃,也不能保暖。
- 玫瑰也从来不曾把男人击落马下,不是吗?
EN: Better a silly girl with a flower than a silly boy with a horse and stick.
CN: 拿着花的蠢女孩总好过骑马拿着棍棒的蠢男孩。
EN: I have seen the new moon, but not you. I have seen sunsets and sunrises, but nothing of your beautiful face.
CN: 我见到了新月,却不见你。我看到了日升日落,却未看到你美丽的容颜。
EN: The poor can marry for love.
CN: 穷人可以为爱结婚。