A City of Sadness

A City of Sadness

The destiny of ordinary people is always negligible in front of the booming times. Individuals, if they bravely stand up to stop the torrent of the times, more or less like Don Giovanni, who struggled to throw himself at the windmill, often only as martyrs, and more often than not, individuals do not even have the right to choose to be bystanders.


EN: The Japanese love the sight of cherry trees. First, in bloom… and then, when the flowers fall to earth. They believe life too is like that.
CN: 日本人最欣赏樱花那种,开到最满最美的时候,一同离枝入土的那种情景,他们认为人生就应该是这样。

EN: In the Meiji Era …a woman killed herself by flinging herself into a waterfall. She wasn't tired of life. She hadn't lost the will to live. She just couldn't face the loss of her youth. Once lost, nothing means anything. Why not imitate the cherry blossom… and fall when in the fullness of our beauty? Carried by the wind.
CN: 明治时代,有一个女孩跳瀑布自杀… 她不是厌世 也不是失志,是面对这么灿烂的青春,怕它一旦消失,不知道如何是好,不如就跟樱花一样,在生命最美的时候,随风离枝。

EN: Slaves? Dammit. Have we sunk so low as to want to become slaves again? The Ching Dynasty sold us out. Who asked us if we wanted to be ceded to Japan?
CN: 奴化,他妈的奴化,奴化是我们自己要的啊,我们就那么贱,当初也是清朝把我们卖掉的,马关条约有谁问过我们台湾人愿不愿意。

EN: That would be a waste. If we want a future… the suffering masses have to resist.
CN: 等是没用的,假使想要有前途,依我的看法,受苦的老百姓,自己要勇敢的站起来。

EN: This island is in a bad way. First the Japanese, then the Chinese. They all exploit us and no one gives a damn.
CN: 我们本岛人最可怜,一下日本人,一下中国人,众人吃,众人骑,没人疼。

EN: I heard the first thunder of spring. One clap after another… as if waking the hillsides and the sea.
CN: 听到今年第一次春雷,声势很大,一阵又一阵,像要把山跟海都叫醒一般。

EN: It's fresh in Chiu-fen. The autumn flowers are in bloom. The mountains are all white, like snow.
CN: 九份开始转冷了,芒花开了,满山白濛濛,像雪。

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