2046 (Original Title)



Before...when people had secrets they didn't want to share, they'd climb a mountain. They'd find a tree and carve a hole in it...and whisper the secret into the hole...then cover it over with mud. That way, nobody else would ever discover it. 

I once fell in love with someone. After a while, she wasn't there. I went to 2046. I thought she might be waiting for me there. But I couldn't find her.

- 有时候,我也把自己借给人家用一下
- 那今天晚上...算你借给我 还是我借给你?
- Other people can borrow my time too.
- And this evening? Are you borrowing me, or am I borrowing you?

- 我要把你包下来 我要你天天陪着我
- 短租无所谓,长租就免了。
- I'd pay anything to be with you, every day.
- Retail is fine. Wholesale is out of the question.

Warns that Zone 1224-1225 is especially cold. The train won't be able to generate enough heat. Passengers are advised to hug each other to keep warm. Since he's the only passenger, he hugs his android cabin attendant. He wonders if it's her mechanism or just his imagination...but he senses some responsive warmth in her artificial body.

After they've served on so many long journeys, fatigue begins to set in. They might want to laugh, but the smile would be slow to come. They might want to cry, but the tears wouldn't well up till next day.

The reason she didn't answer...was not simply that her reactions were delayed. It's simply that she didn't love him. So at last he got it. It's entirely beyond his control. The only thing left for him...was to give up.

其实所谓1224-1225,就是现实生活里的平安夜,每年到了那一晚,很多人都需要多一点温暖,那个晚上 虽然我自己没得到,那又有什么关系,我终于明白,那个机械人不回答你,未必是因为她迟钝,或是她不喜欢也有可能,是她已经心有所属。
In fact, Zone 1224-1225 meant Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. On the night before Christmas, many people need a bit more warmth than usual. That night, I didn't get that. Maybe that was for the best. I realized that the reason the android didn't answer had nothing to do with her mechanism wearing out, nor that she didn't like him. More likely, she already loved someone else.

Love is all a matter of timing. It's no good meeting the right person too soon or too late. If I'd lived in another time or place...my story might have had a very different ending.

On half-pay, with next to nothing to do.

In love, you can't bring on a substitute. I was looking for what I'd felt with the other Su Li-Zhen. I didn't realize that myself..But I'm sure she did.

You once asked me if there was anything I wouldn't lend. I've given it a lot of thought. And now I know. There is one thing...I'll never lend to anyone.

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